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Forked from christianberg/local_dev.clj
Created October 17, 2010 21:12
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(ns local-dev
"Tools for local development.
Enables the use of the App Engine APIs on the REPL and in a local Jetty instance."
(:use ring.adapter.jetty
[ring.middleware file file-info])
(:import [ File]
[java.util HashMap]
[ ApiProxy ApiProxy$Environment]
(defonce *server* (atom nil))
(def *port* 8181)
(defn- set-app-engine-environment []
"Sets up the App Engine environment for the current thread."
(let [att (HashMap. {""
(str "http://localhost:" *port*)})
env-proxy (proxy [ApiProxy$Environment] []
(isLoggedIn [] false)
(getRequestNamespace [] "")
(getDefaultNamespace [] "")
(getAttributes [] att)
(getAppId [] "_local_"))]
(ApiProxy/setEnvironmentForCurrentThread env-proxy)))
(defn- set-app-engine-delegate [dir]
"Initializes the App Engine services. Needs to be run (at least) per JVM."
(let [local-env (proxy [LocalServerEnvironment] []
(getAppDir [] (File. dir))
(getAddress [] "localhost")
(getPort [] *port*)
(waitForServerToStart [] nil))
api-proxy (.create (ApiProxyLocalFactory.)
(ApiProxy/setDelegate api-proxy)))
(defn init-app-engine
"Initializes the App Engine services and sets up the environment. To be called from the REPL."
([] (init-app-engine "/tmp"))
(set-app-engine-delegate dir)
(defn wrap-local-app-engine [app]
"Wraps a ring app to enable the use of App Engine Services."
(fn [req]
(app req)))
(defn start-server [app]
"Initializes the App Engine services and (re-)starts a Jetty server
running the supplied ring app, wrapping it to enable App Engine API use
and serving of static files."
(set-app-engine-delegate "/tmp")
(swap! *server* (fn [instance]
(when instance
(.stop instance))
(let [app (-> app
(wrap-file "./war")
(run-jetty app {:port *port*
:join? false})))))
(defn stop-server []
"Stops the local Jetty server."
(swap! *server* #(when % (.stop %))))
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