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Last active July 6, 2017 10:05
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Cloud9 Rails5 Heroku update has a Rails template project, but it is Rails 4
Check that it is still Rails 4:
$ rails -v
Rails 5 needs ruby 2.2.2 minimum, but I belive that Cloud9 has 2.3.0p0....just check:
$ ruby -v
Update the rails installation to 5:
$ gem install rails
Update Gemfile line near the top:
$ gem 'rails', '>= 5.0.1'
Update rails to v5:
$ bundle update rails
It should now be v5.x, let's check:
$ rails -v
Upgrade the project:
$ rails app:update
Create an ApplicationRecord:
# app/models/application_record.rb
class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
Cloud 9 can't talk to Heroku over https:
$ wget -qO- | sh
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