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Created September 13, 2009 21:08
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  • Save jnunemaker/186329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jnunemaker/186329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IMPORTANT: Requires this version of jquery
until 1.3.3 comes out
ALSO: This is very dirty still and has not been
abstracted for use. It is just solving our immediate problems.
Use cases that must pass (and should be tested someday):
* Clicking on links updates layout
* Click around a bit and then use back/forward buttons
* Make sure recursive loading is working (#/sections/23)
* Forms should send beforeSubmit, beforeSend, success, error, valid
and invalid events
* Safari should send connection close url to ajaxSubmit for file uploads
* Should fire events for page loading, progress for each step and loaded
(function ($) {
// errors is an array of errors
// render :json => {:errors => @item.errors.full_messages}
function FormErrors(errors) {
var error_count = errors.length;
function errorUl() {
var lis = '';
errors.forEach(function(error) {
lis += '<li>' + error + '</li>';
return '<ul>' + lis + '</ul>';
function errorHeading() {
var error_str = error_count === 1 ? 'error' : 'errors';
return '<h2>' + error_count + ' ' + error_str + ' prevented this form from being saved</h2>';
this.html = function () {
var html = '';
html += '<div class="errorExplanation" id="errorExplanation">';
html += errorHeading();
html += errorUl();
html += '</div>';
return html;
$.fn.removeErrors = function () {
return this.each(function () {
$.fn.showErrors = function (errors) {
return this.each(function () {
$(this).removeErrors().prepend(new FormErrors(errors).html());
var Layout = {
live_path_regex: {'loading':[], 'success':[]},
current_xhr: null,
loading: false,
init: function() {
jQuery(function($) {
var needs_default_hash = !window.location.hash || (window.location.hash && !window.location.hash.match(/^#\/admin/));
if (needs_default_hash) {
if (App.site_exists) {
window.location.hash = '#/admin/dashboard';
} else {
window.location.hash = '#/admin/you';
window.currentHash = window.location.hash;
destroy: function(url, options) {, {'_method':'delete'}, options);
post: function(url, data, options) {
var ajax = {
type : 'post',
dataType : 'json',
url : url,
success : function (json) {
if (options && options.success) {
if (data) {
ajax['data'] = data;
addObservers: function() {
observeLinks: function() {
$("a[href^='#/']").live('click', function(event) {
if (Layout.loading) {
return false;
var $link = $(this),
loading = $link.attr('data-loading');
if (loading) {
return false;
$('.remote_destroy').live('click', function(event) {
var $target = $(this);
confirmDialog('Are you sure you want to delete this?', {
ok: function() {
Layout.destroy($target.attr('href'), {
success: function(json) { $target.trigger('destroy:success', [json]); }
return false;
observeForms: function() {
$(document).bind('layout:success', function() {
$('form').live('submit', function(event) {
var $form = $(this),
data_type = $form.attr('data-type') || 'json',
remote_form = $form.attr('action').substr(0, 2) == '#/';
if (!remote_form) {
return true;
url : $form.attr('action').replace(/^#/, ''),
dataType : data_type,
data : {iframe: 1},
closeKeepAlive: $.browser.safari ? '/admin/connection_close' : false,
beforeSubmit: function(data, form, options) {
$form.trigger('form:beforeSubmit', [data, form, options]);
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(json) {
// hack for iframe file uploads
if (data_type == 'xml') {
json_str = $(json).find('response').text(),
json = JSON.parse(json_str);
if (json.errors) {
var $errors_container = $form,
data_error_placement = $form.attr('data-error-placement');
if (typeof(data_error_placement) !== undefined) {
$errors_container = $form.find(data_error_placement);
$form.trigger('form:error', [json]);
} else {
$form.trigger('form:success', [json]);
error: function(response, status, error) {
$form.trigger('form:error', [response, status, error]);
complete: function() {
return false;
observeHashChange: function() {
$(document).bind('hashchange', Layout.reload);
updateHashWithoutLoad: function(location) {
window.currentHash = window.location.hash = location;
makeBackFowardButtonsWork: function() {
setInterval(function() {
var hash_is_new = window.location.hash && window.currentHash != window.location.hash;
if (hash_is_new) {
window.currentHash = window.location.hash;
}, 300);
// Options are success and complete callbacks
load: function(path, options) {
if (Layout.current_xhr) {
path = path.replace(/^#/, '');
$(document).trigger('path:loading', [path]);
$(document).trigger('path:loading:' + path);
Layout.current_xhr = $.ajax({
url: path,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json) {
$(document).trigger('path:success', [path, json]);
$(document).trigger('path:success:' + path, [json]);
if (options && options.success) {
complete: function() {
if (options && options.complete) {
// See Layout.load for options
reload: function() {
livePath: function(event, path, callback) {
if (typeof(test) === 'string') {
$(document).bind('path:' + event + ':' + path, callback);
} else {
Layout.live_path_regex[event].push([path, callback]);
observeLivePath: function() {
$(document).bind('path:loading', function(event, path) {
$(Layout.live_path_regex['loading']).each(function() {
if (matches = path.match(this[0])) {
$(document).bind('path:success', function(event, path, json) {
$(Layout.live_path_regex['success']).each(function() {
if (matches = path.match(this[0])) {
this[1](matches, json);
onSuccess: function(json) {
Layout.current_xhr = null;
applyJSON: function(json) {
for(action in json) {
var selectors = json[action];
switch(action) {
case 'replace' : for(selector in selectors) $(selector).html(selectors[selector]); break;
case 'append' : for(selector in selectors) $(selector).append(selectors[selector]); break;
case 'prepend' : for(selector in selectors) $(selector).prepend(selectors[selector]); break;
case 'replaceWith' : for(selector in selectors) $(selector).replaceWith(selectors[selector]); break;
case 'insertBefore' : for(selector in selectors) $(selectors[selector]).insertBefore($(selector)); break;
case 'sidebar' : Sidebar.add(selectors); break;
case 'remove' : $(selectors.join(',')).remove(); break;
handlePageLoad: function() {
var segments = window.location.hash.replace(/^#\//, '').split('/'),
total = segments.length,
path = '';
function loadSectionsInOrder() {
var segment = segments.shift();
path += '/' + segment;
var onComplete = function() {
var loaded = total - segments.length,
finished = loaded == total;
$(document).trigger('page:progress', [total, loaded]);
if (finished) {
} else {
Layout.load(path, {complete: onComplete});
// start the recursive loading of sections
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wicz commented Aug 12, 2010

Manual QA is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I started a thread on the ruby-capybara about this issue. I'm working with sammy.js right now, but since your solution is based on the same window.location.hash aspects, you might be interested.

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