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Last active February 5, 2018 06:18
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frozen weakmap encapsulation
"There's a potential pitfall with this approach, though" prevent it!
const Person = (function(){
const privates = new WeakMap;
let ids = 0;
return class Person {
constructor(name, makeGreeting) { = name;
privates.set(this,Object.freeze({id: ids++, makeGreeting}));//prevention
equals(otherPerson) {
return privates.get(this).id === privates.get(otherPerson).id;
greet(otherPerson) {
return privates.get(this).makeGreeting(;
let alice = new Person('Alice', name => `Hello, ${name}!`);
let bob = new Person('Bob', name => `Hi, ${name}.`);
alice.equals(bob); // false
alice.greet(bob); // === 'Hello, Bob!'
//At first glance this appears fine, but:
let mallory = new Person('Mallory', function(name) { = 0; return `o/ ${name}`;});
mallory.greet(bob); // === 'o/ Bob'
mallory.equals(alice); // false. Phew!
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