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Last active January 21, 2017 18:32
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Dice display for Raspberry Pi + PaPiRus Zero 1.2
# V1.2
# By Joachim Robert
# Shared under the WTFPL - Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
# Script inspired by the papirus-buttons demo script
# by PiSupply for their PaPiRus
# BTW, the script is erroneous with the PaPiRus Zero:
# There are more buttons, and they aren't linked to the same GPIO pins
# is also wrong IIRC
# or it's my board that's wrong.
# dPoly fonts by Neale Davidson
# The font files are shareware (but free for Personnal Use)
# They have to be downloaded on
# save this gist on your RasPi (using wget or curl)
# download the fonts, unzip to directory `fonts`
# or change `DICE_FONT_DIR` to the unzip directory
# rename the font files to D4.otf, D6.otf, D8.otf, D12.otf and D20.otf
# > sudo python [number of dice from 1 to 3]
# and then you press one of the buttons
# - get an Enviro pHAT to try the accelerometer,
# see if I can get the dice to roll by shaking my RasPi Zero
import os
from papirus import Papirus
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFont
from time import sleep
import argparse
from random import randint
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
user = os.getuid()
if user !=0:
print "Root pls."
# Command line usage
# papi-dice [1-3]
# defaults : 2
SIZE = 21
SW1 = 26
SW2 = 19
SW3 = 20
SW4 = 16
SW5 = 21
DEFAULT_FONT = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeMono.ttf'
DICE_FONT_DIR = 'fonts'
def main():
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('content', type=int, default=2)
args = p.parse_args()
GPIO.setup(SW1, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(SW2, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(SW3, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(SW4, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(SW5, GPIO.IN)
papirus = Papirus()
if args.content < 1 or args.content > 3:
print "Please choose a number between 1 and 3."
write_text(papirus, "D= 4 6 8 12 20")
while True:
if GPIO.input(SW1) == False:
shuffle_and_display(papirus,4, args.content)
if GPIO.input(SW2) == False:
shuffle_and_display(papirus,6, args.content)
if GPIO.input(SW3) == False:
shuffle_and_display(papirus,8, args.content)
if GPIO.input(SW4) == False:
shuffle_and_display(papirus,12, args.content)
if GPIO.input(SW5) == False:
shuffle_and_display(papirus,20, args.content)
def write_text(papirus, text, dice=False, output_font=DEFAULT_FONT, size=SIZE, pos=(5,20)):
image ='1', papirus.size, WHITE)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
font = ImageFont.truetype(output_font, size)
if dice: # Dice display mode
draw.text(pos, text, font=font, fill=BLACK)
else: # Normal text mode
line_size = (papirus.width / (size * 0.65))
current_line = 0
text_lines = [""]
for word in text.split():
if (len(text_lines[current_line]) + len(word)) < line_size:
text_lines[current_line] += " " + word
current_line += 1
text_lines[current_line] += " " + word
current_line = 0
for l in text_lines:
current_line += 1
draw.text( (0, ((size*current_line)-size)), l, font=font, fill=BLACK)
print "screen updated"
def shuffle_and_display(papirus, nb_sides, nb_dice):
if nb_dice == 1:
size = 90
elif nb_dice == 2:
size = 80
size = 70
# shuffle
output = []
for i in range(0, nb_dice):
# control the output
print output,
# The font files are in the `fonts` folder
font = DICE_FONT_DIR + '/D' + str(nb_sides) + '.otf'
# Depending on the # of sides, the font has different dimensions
if nb_sides == 4:
output = ''.join(str(e) for e in output)
char = (85,73,8) # (px width at 100pt, px height, horizontal spacing)
elif nb_sides == 8:
output = ''.join(str(e) for e in output)
char = (78,78,10) # (px width at 100pt, px height, horizontal spacing)
elif nb_sides == 12:
output = numer_to_letter(output)
char = (79,78,19) # (px width at 100pt, px height, horizontal spacing)
elif nb_sides == 20:
output = numer_to_letter(output)
char = (74,73,14) # (px width at 100pt, px height, horizontal spacing)
else: # default option, always a D6
output = ''.join(str(e) for e in output)
char = (74,73,7) # (px width at 100pt, px height, horizontal spacing)
char_list = []
for i,x in enumerate(char):
char_list.append(x * size / 100)
char = tuple(char_list)
pos_x = (papirus.size[0] - (char[0] * nb_dice + char[2] * (nb_dice - 1))) / 2
pos_y = (papirus.size[1] - char[0]) / 2
pos = (pos_x, pos_y)
print pos,
write_text(papirus, output, True, font, size, pos)
def numer_to_letter(numer):
alpha = ''
alpha += ''.join(chr(96 + character) for character in numer)
return alpha
if __name__ == '__main__':
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