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Created August 13, 2014 15:05
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Save joakin/11f4285cc9d63d01ed26 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

I've been having trouble with my resume editing for a long time. A long time ago it was a word document, afterwards it became a odt document and migrated to libreoffice/openoffice, and later I redid the resume using the europass template provided by the european union following a standard format (also in odt).

The problems I've found are:

  • Editing difficulties. The template is made out of hundreds of tables, and with the libreoffice gui it is almost impossible for me now to even add new work experience. This is the most annoying of all.
  • Undistinguishable style. The company I redid the resume wanted them all in the same format, but usually companies get resumes in different formats and using this template makes you indistinguishable of lots of other CVs they may get.
  • No versioning. The file is stored in online backups but there is no comprehensive history like the one we could get with version control.
  • No web publishing. You could export the file to html but it would be a horrible markup (and I usually apply for web dev skills..., what kind of dev would I be?). Your most reliable format to export is PDF, and I want to be able to put the resume on the web and link to it.

A new resume

So after thinking about these problems, I set a few objectives and re-did the cv:

  • Open source
  • Version control (git, GitHub)
  • Separate content, markup and style
  • Plain text format for the content (chose YAML because its readability)
  • Readability, ease of editing, exporting formats and publishing

I'm using node.js and npm, I set up the project to execute via npm scripts, as you can see in the readme. After setup, it becomes super easy to run both the development flow (npm run watch) and to just run a build (npm run build).

├──     # What is this and instructions
├── bin           # A couple of scripts to generate the html and pdf
├── package.json  # Package configuration, run scripts and deps
├── layout.jade   # Jade page layout (html, head, footer)
├── resume.jade   # Jade template that processes the yaml to html
├── resume.styl   # CSS styles (stylus preprocessor)
├── resume.yaml   # Resume data (pure content, yaml and blocks of
│                 # text with markdown
├── node_modules  # Deps of the proj (npm install)
└── static        # Where the the static web files and pdf are generated
    ├── img/      # Imgs for the cv
    ├── fonts/    # Web fonts
    └── ...       # Generated files

Have a look at the files, I think the result is very satisfactory, readable and very flexible.

The content

The content of the resume is kept in a YAML file, which I found very pleasing and readable.

fullName: Joaquin Oltra Hernandez
photo: photo.jpg
phone: (0034) 600078947
email: [email protected]
nationality: Spain
birthDate: 17-12-85

field: Software developer, Javascript programmer, Web developer

intro: |
  I'm a programmer and web developer specialized in JS who enjoys reading
  technical books, developing random playful side projects and learning and

  - employer: Freelance (Various)
    when: December 2013 - Now
    position: Freelance web developer, Javascript programmer, HTML & CSS programmer
    what: |
      Freelance contracting for different clients.

      * Data visualizations dashboard with d3
      * JS web applications
        * React.js for the view layer
        * Browser applications using npm & browserify

  - employer: OHIM
    when: September 2010 - June 2013
    position: Freelance web developer, Javascript programmer, Senior analyst programmer
    what: |
      While freelance contracting for OHIM, I went mainly through two different
      big projects, OHIM eSearch (JS web application) and the new OHIM Website
      (public site and suite of web tools).

      ##### eSearch

      Search engine for OHIM, I was involved in creating the single page
      application using Javascript, CSS3 with LESS, Backbone. This application

Content is translated in the build step to json and then fed into the jade templates. You can see it in static/resume.json.

Also, the text blocks (using the | pipe) are later translated in jade into markdown, so that we can get rich text when writing bigger blocks of text.


I'm using HTML/CSS as the base from which to export to other formats like PDF. For the markup and style I set up jade templates (simple and readable) and the stylus css preprocessor. Here is a little example

extends ./layout.jade

block content
    h1= fullName

    header: h2 Personal information

        label Full name
        span= fullName
        label Phone
        span= phone
        label Email
        span= email
        label Nationality
        span= nationality

      - var date = (new Date()).getFullYear() - 1985
        label Age
        span= date
@import "nib"
@import "stylus-normalize/normalize"

text-color = #333
light-text-color = #aaa
light-bg = #ddd

  list-style-position inside

  color text-color
  font-family Latin Modern Roman, serif

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  margin 0

  background-color light-bg
  color white
  text-align center
    margin 0
    padding 10px

I've tried to keep the html as semantic as possible, and in the styles I've played with flex box to learn how it worked.

You can check the web published version at

Exporting to pdf

PDF generation is made via phantomJS, and thanks to npm and the amount of libraries it was easy to find one that did what I wanted.

You can check the pdf published version at

Development story

Another cool thing is that the development server autobuilds the web and pdf when any of the files is changed and also has livereload so that the browser autoupdates. All this is set up in the package.json in the scripts field using the dependencies specified in devDependencies.

  "scripts": {
    "serve": "./node_modules/.bin/livereloadx -s ./static/",

    "watch-stylus": "./node_modules/.bin/stylus -w resume.styl --out static -I ./node_modules",
    "build-stylus": "./node_modules/.bin/stylus resume.styl --out static -I ./node_modules",

    "watch-html": "./node_modules/.bin/watch-run -p \"*.+(jade|yaml)\" ./bin/build-html.js",
    "build-html": "./bin/build-html.js",

    "watch-pdf": "./node_modules/.bin/watch-run -p \"static/*.!(pdf|json)\" ./bin/build-pdf.js",
    "build-pdf": "./bin/build-pdf.js",

    "watch": "npm run watch-html & npm run watch-pdf & npm run watch-stylus & npm run serve",
    "build": "npm run build-html & npm run build-stylus & npm run build-pdf",

    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

For deployment and publishing I use github pages, like in this blog, and simply put in the repository the generated files and use a onliner script to publish (i think it needs git 2.X):

if [ -z "$1" ]
  echo "Which folder do you want to deploy to GitHub Pages?"
  exit 1
git subtree push --prefix $1 origin gh-pages

The end

That's all for now, feel free to clone the repo, and make it yours changing styles and yaml!

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