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Last active June 1, 2018 12:33
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Common friends - coding exercise

Common friends - coding exercise

Imagine we have data for users of a social network. Users can befriend other users of the network.

We want to implement a feature where a user Alice visiting another user Bob, would see which friends Alice and Bob have in common.

Write a script/function/program in your preferred programming language that takes two user names and gives back a list of the common friends between those users.

Users data

You can get the data for the users from:

The data follows this format:

[ { "id": 5, "name": "Alice", "friends": [ 4, 6 ] }
, { "id": 9, "name": "Bob",   "friends": [ 6, 8 ] }


  • Find common friends between "Herminia Wyman" and "Melisa Lowe"

Time constraint

We will aim to spend ~25' on this, so try to get to a solution first, and worry about other things later. Please try to speak up as you go trying to explain why and what you are doing.

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