Travis Kimmel talks with Kevin Goldsmith about the correspondence between organizational design and software architecture.
Conway's law, organizational and team structure driving architecture.
Reverse Conway's law, designing team's to encourage the architecture you want.
Functional silos and their problems, cross functional teams.
Conway's law playing out into cross functional teams. Autonomy and efficiency vs dependencies and slowdowns.
Growing pains and when to split. Budget constraints and tradeoffs on structure.
Anti patterns, server team + core team + client team issues, full stack teams.
Full stack developers. People tend to specialize. Breadth and depth matching on teams.
When to transition or split from monoliths.
How to maintain architectural integrity as teams split.
What is a microservice vs a micromonolith.
As code breaks, who manages communication, dependencies. Operational ownership not service ownership.
Team to team communication. Ad-hoc Dev to Dev comms. Sharing knowledge. How to get it set up.
Fiat vs nudging management.
Conway's law and communication pathways. Breaking silos, encouraging knowledge networks.
Understanding why work is slow and identifying bottlenecks.
Conway's law and how it maps to your brain.