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Forked from FullStackForger/.gitattributes
Last active July 5, 2023 17:57
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[Unity] LFS configuration via .gitattributes file
#### Git Attributes file
## Be VERY CAREFUL when adding stuff here.
## Official Documentation:
## Some useful attributes (effects) are:
## • text: Use for text files that should be mergeable.
## We recommend against using "-text". Use "binary" instead
## • eol=lf: Use to enforce line endings on any text file
## (even if they aren't supposed to be merged).
## Never use "eol=lf" with "binary" or "-text"
## • binary: Use for files that are not suposed to be merged.
## built-in macro attribute "binary" is equivalent to:
## [attr]binary -diff -merge -text
## • merge=unityyamlmerge: This forces git to resolve merges
## ONLY using this tool. ONLY .prefab and .unity files
## should have this. If the tool is not installed,
## its equivalent to "-merge"
## • -merge: This forces git to NOT TRY TO MERGE the files.
## All binary files should have this.
#### When Using Git LFS:
## We need to add filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs to a lot of file types.
## To avoid adding these tags to a lot of lines,
## we define the custom attribute below (that includes the 3 tags):
[attr]uselfs filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs
## Enabling diff files support in LFS
## According to:
## To enable diffing LFS files, EVERY developer must
## configure their own git environement.
## To do this, just open a git console and run:
## git config --global diff.lfstext.textconv cat
#### Unity ####
*.cs text eol=lf diff=csharp
*.cginc text eol=lf
*.shader text eol=lf
## Common Files
*.unity text eol=lf merge=unityyamlmerge
*.prefab text eol=lf merge=unityyamlmerge
*.asset text eol=lf -merge
*.mat text eol=lf -merge
*.anim text eol=lf -merge
*.playable text eol=lf -merge
*.meta text eol=lf -merge
*.controller text eol=lf -merge
*.spriteatlas text eol=lf -merge
## "physic" for 3D but "physics" for 2D
*.physicMaterial2D text eol=lf -merge
*.physicMaterial text eol=lf -merge
*.physicsMaterial2D text eol=lf -merge
*.physicsMaterial text eol=lf -merge
## Specific assets exceptions (should come after generic definitions)
## Generated NavMeshes, Terrains, and UMA slots are always binary,
## even if unity serialization is set to "force text"
NavMesh.asset binary uselfs
**/Terrain*/*.asset binary uselfs
*_Slot.asset binary uselfs
LightingData.asset binary uselfs
*.cubemap binary uselfs
*.unitypackage binary uselfs
/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/mac/** uselfs -text
*.bank uselfs -text
## Images
*.ai binary uselfs
*.bmp binary uselfs
*.exr binary uselfs
*.gif binary uselfs
*.hdr binary uselfs
*.iff binary uselfs
*.jpeg binary uselfs
*.jpg binary uselfs
*.pict binary uselfs
*.png binary uselfs
*.psd binary uselfs
*.tga binary uselfs
*.tif binary uselfs
*.tiff binary uselfs
## Audio
*.aif binary uselfs
*.aiff binary uselfs
*.it binary uselfs
*.mod binary uselfs
*.mp3 binary uselfs
*.ogg binary uselfs
*.s3m binary uselfs
*.wav binary uselfs
*.xm binary uselfs
## Video
*.asf binary uselfs
*.avi binary uselfs
*.flv binary uselfs
*.mov binary uselfs
*.mp4 binary uselfs
*.mkv binary uselfs
*.mpeg binary uselfs
*.mpg binary uselfs
*.ogv binary uselfs
*.wmv binary uselfs
## 3D models
*.3dm binary uselfs
*.3ds binary uselfs
*.blend binary uselfs
*.c4d binary uselfs
*.collada binary uselfs
*.dae binary uselfs
*.dxf binary uselfs
*.FBX binary uselfs
*.fbx binary uselfs
*.jas binary uselfs
*.lws binary uselfs
*.lxo binary uselfs
*.ma binary uselfs
*.max binary uselfs
*.mb binary uselfs
*.obj binary uselfs
*.ply binary uselfs
*.skp binary uselfs
*.stl binary uselfs
*.ztl binary uselfs
## Compressed Archive
*.7z binary uselfs
*.bz2 binary uselfs
*.gz binary uselfs
*.rar binary uselfs
*.tar binary uselfs
*.zip binary uselfs
*.tgz binary uselfs
## Fonts
*.otf binary uselfs
*.ttf binary uselfs
## Compiled Dynamic Library
*.dll binary uselfs
*.pdb binary uselfs
*.so binary uselfs
*.a binary uselfs
## Executable/Installer
*.apk binary uselfs
*.exe binary uselfs
## Documents
*.pdf binary uselfs
## ETC
*.rns binary uselfs
*.reason binary uselfs
## Collapse Unity-generated files on GitHub
*.asset linguist-generated
*.mat linguist-generated
*.meta linguist-generated
*.prefab linguist-generated
*.unity linguist-generated
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