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Created March 11, 2019 23:02
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// GetServiceFromArn removes the arn:aws: component string of
// the name and returns the first keyword that appears, svc
func ServiceNameFromARN(arn *string) *string {
shortArn := strings.Replace(*arn, "arn:aws:", "", -1)
sliced := strings.Split(shortArn, ":")
return &sliced[0]
// Short ARN removes the unnecessary info from the ARN we already
// know at this point like region, account id and the service name.
func ShortArn(arn *string) string {
slicedArn := strings.Split(*arn, ":")
shortArn := slicedArn[5:] // the first 5 we already have
return strings.Join(shortArn, "/")
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