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Last active February 5, 2017 20:49
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Geometric algorithms
  • Barycentric subdivision
  • Newton–Raphson division
  • Closest pair problem: find the pair of points (from a set of points) with the smallest distance between them
  • Collision detection algorithms: check for the collision or intersection of two given solids
  • Cone algorithm: identify surface points
  • Convex hull algorithms: determining the convex hull of a set of points
    • Graham scan
    • QuickHull
    • Gift wrapping algorithm or Jarvis march
    • Chan's algorithm
    • Kirkpatrick–Seidel algorithm
  • Euclidean Distance Transform - Computes the distance between every point in a grid and a discrete collection of points.
  • Geometric hashing: a method for efficiently finding two-dimensional objects represented by discrete points that have undergone an affine transformation
  • Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm: determining the smallest distance between two convex shapes.
  • Jump-and-Walk algorithm: an algorithm for point location in triangulations
  • Laplacian smoothing: an algorithm to smooth a polygonal mesh
  • Line segment intersection: finding whether lines intersect, usually with a sweep line algorithm
    • Bentley–Ottmann algorithm
    • Shamos–Hoey algorithm
  • Minimum bounding box algorithms: find the oriented minimum bounding box enclosing a set of points
  • Nearest neighbor search: find the nearest point or points to a query point
  • Point in polygon algorithms: tests whether a given point lies within a given polygon
  • Point set registration algorithms: finds the transformation between two point sets to optimally align them.
  • Rotating calipers: determine all antipodal pairs of points and vertices on a convex polygon or convex hull.
  • Shoelace algorithm: determine the area of a polygon whose vertices are described by ordered pairs in the plane
  • Triangulation
    • Delaunay triangulation
      • Ruppert's algorithm (also known as Delaunay refinement): create quality Delaunay triangulations
      • Chew's second algorithm: create quality constrained Delaunay triangulations
    • Marching triangles: reconstruct two-dimensional surface geometry from an unstructured point cloud
    • Polygon triangulation algorithms: decompose a polygon into a set of triangles
    • Voronoi diagrams, geometric dual of Delaunay triangulation
      • Bowyer–Watson algorithm: create voronoi diagram in any number of dimensions
      • Fortune's Algorithm: create voronoi diagram
    • Quasitriangulation
  • Stochastic ray tracing (motion blur, depth of field)
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