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Created September 3, 2017 17:12
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null created by ChrisLis -
// Write a function that takes in an integer `num` and returns the sum of
// all integers between zero and num, up to and including `num`.
// Difficulty: easy.
function sum_nums(num) {
var sum=0;
for(var i=1;i<=num;i++)
sum +=i
return sum
// These are tests to check that your code is working. After writing
// your solution, they should all print true.
console.log("\nTests for //sum_nums")
console.log('sum_nums(1) == 1: ' + (sum_nums(1) == 1))
console.log('sum_nums(2) == 3: ' + (sum_nums(2) == 3))
console.log('sum_nums(3) == 6: ' + (sum_nums(3) == 6))
console.log('sum_nums(4) == 10: ' + (sum_nums(4) == 10))
console.log('sum_nums(5) == 15: ' + (sum_nums(5) == 15))
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