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Last active February 25, 2019 08:51
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return sql servername, databasename
--#1 query to retrieve SERVER/DB
select (
@@SERVERNAME as ServerName,
db_name() as DatabaseName
-- for XML PATH, root --//<== wraps each record with default <row> element, and supply a default root overall.
-- for XML PATH('item'), root('treetop') --//<== when you want to rename 'row' to 'item', 'root' to 'treetop'
for XML PATH --//<== default <row> element, no root.
-- yields a dodgy column name, say, XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B
as DbInfo
--> <row><ServerName>MOON01</ServerName><DatabaseName>MyDB</DatabaseName></row>
//-- #2 to parse the above XmlStr in C#
using System.Xml.Linq; //XDocument, XElement
string xmlStr = "<row><ServerName>MOON01</ServerName><DatabaseName>MyDB</DatabaseName></row>";
XElement xmlRow = XElement.Parse(xmlStr);
//string eltServerName = xmlRow.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "ServerName").FirstOrDefault().ToString();
//==> .toString gets the whole tag <ServerName>MOON01</ServerName>
XElement xElt = xmlRow.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "ServerName").FirstOrDefault();
string serverName = xElt.Value; //MOON01
xElt = xmlRow.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "DatabaseName").FirstOrDefault();
string dbName = xElt.Value; //MyDB
tbOutput.Text = string.Format("serverName={0}|databaseName={1}", serverName, dbName);
catch (Exception ex)
//-- #3 putting it all together in a WebAPI method, which uses entity framework
namespace JOLI.WebAPI.Controllers
//[Authorize] //<--Authorization has been denied for this request. //REMOVE THIS CRAP, make it free for all...
public class ValuesController : ApiController
//place a test method here... to check if WEBAPI is pointing to correct server.
public dynamic GetEnvironment()
string xmlStr = "";
using (SECEntities dbCtx = new SECEntities())
string sql = @"select @@SERVERNAME as ServerName, db_name() as DatabaseName for XML PATH";
//-- yields a dodgy column name, say, XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B
sql = string.Format("select ( {0} ) as DbInfo", sql); //col name becomes DbInfo;
xmlStr = dbCtx.Database.SqlQuery<string>(sql, new object[] {} ).SingleOrDefault(); //NO PARMS TO PASS, but cannot use null; use Empty Array instead.
//e.g. <row><ServerName>MOON01</ServerName><DatabaseName>MyDB</DatabaseName></row>
//xmlStr = "<row><ServerName>MOON01</ServerName><DatabaseName>MyDB</DatabaseName></row>";
XElement xmlRow = XElement.Parse(xmlStr);
XElement xElt = xmlRow.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "ServerName").FirstOrDefault();
string serverName = xElt.Value; //MOON01
xElt = xmlRow.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "DatabaseName").FirstOrDefault();
string dbName = xElt.Value; //MyDB
dynamic rtnObj = new { ServerName = serverName, DatabaseName = dbName };
return rtnObj;
catch (Exception ex)
var httpRespMsg = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) //500
ReasonPhrase = "Unexpected error;" + ex.Message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ";")
//WARNING: fatal error; ENSURE THAT: "The reason phrase must not contain new-line characters."
throw new HttpResponseException(httpRespMsg); //THROW, not simply return.
} //end-Class
//-- #4 calling fron C# HttpClient
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; //JObject
using System.Net.Http; //HttpClient, StringContent
private async void btnGetEnviron_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string baseURL = @"http://localhost:60123/";
var C_URL_ValuesController = baseURL + "/api/GetEnvironment/";
System.Uri endPointAsUri = new Uri(C_URL_ValuesController);
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
HttpResponseMessage resp = await httpClient.GetAsync(C_URL_ValuesController); //<== returns here.. then continues below once result is received
//CONTINUE below once response received... (async/await)
if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) //i.e. 200-OK
if (resp.Content != null)
// var rtnVal = resp.Content.ReadAsAsync<int>().Result; //using sync/blocking here, but you could await here too
var jsonStr = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
//LHS: WebAPI method expected to return a json Obj
if (jsonStr != "" && jsonStr.Contains("{") && jsonStr.Contains("}"))
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonStr); //LHS an object.
JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(jsonStr);
var formatted = jObj.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented);
tbOutput.Text = formatted;
tbOutput.Text = "ERROR parsing webAPI response: " + jsonStr;
else //ERROR, without the webAPI actually throwing an error (i.e. dont end in catch)
if (resp.Content != null) //there CAN BE A RESPONSE ON BOTH SUCCESS (200-OK) or Fail (e.g. InternalServerError)
string errResp = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
//resp.Content.ReadAsAsync<int>().Result; <= ALT if we expected an int rtn-val
tbOutput.Text = errResp;
} //end-Using
catch (Exception ex)
var errmsg = ex.Message;
/* -- #5 Deploy remotely
#0a. Publish the VS-Proj, and Copy to IIS Server
- Publish to a desired local folder;
- Copy all files (FTP, sharedFolder, whatevs) to remote server, say D:\LiveApps\MyProjv2.WebAPI\
- Verify the Web.config for settings appropriate to your server e.g. <connectionStrings />, other key-value pairs in <appSettings />
#a. install WebAPI on IIS
At the "Default Web Site" node, right clight "Add Application"...
Alias: MyRestService
Physical path: D:\LiveApps\MyProjv2.WebAPI
(leave app pool as DefaultAppPool).
(leave Enable Preload. Check OFF - default)
(BUT if you CHECK ON, it enables the website to be always running; - not when first request is made, but whatevs...)
#b. Test
Navigate to
this tests two things:
i) IIS is serving the webAPI (ValuesController gets hit)
ii) its configured to fetch from the appropriate SQL-SERVER.
#c. There is no step c. Profit $$$
YAI. it worked first time !!
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