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Last active December 10, 2024 18:07
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  • Save joeddav/fbc2c5bcb716ddb12daafe2c19d9cec6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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pre-push hook to ensure valid remote branch name
# This hook ensures that only branches starting with a specific substring
# (set in valid_branch_start) can be pushed to.
# Should be placed in <repo-root>/.git/hooks/pre-push
# or if the repo is a submodule of some parent-repo, it would go in:
# <parent-repo-root>/.git/modules/<submodule-name>/hooks/pre-push
# Read input about the branches being pushed
while read local_ref local_sha remote_ref remote_sha; do
# Extract the remote branch name
branch=$(echo "$remote_ref" | sed 's|refs/heads/||')
# Check if the remote branch name starts with required value
if [[ "$branch" != $valid_branch_start* ]]; then
echo "Error: You can only push to branches that start with '$valid_branch_start'."
exit 1
# If all branches meet the requirement, allow the push
exit 0
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