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Javascript: The Good Parts -- Beginner/Intermediate

Legendary book, a must-read for any Javascript programmer at least once. Goes into the basics of Javascript with the assumption that the reader is an experienced programmer already, coming from another language or already understands a fair bit about Javascript itself. Very good review of basics and more advanced concepts (like scope/closure, functions as first class objects, etc).

Javascript Design Patterns (Stoyan Stefanov) -- Intermediate

A fairly small book about what design patterns are and how to implement/make use of them in Javascript. Lots of practical use of closures, IIFEs and other advanced strategies.

You Don't Know JS Series -- Intermediate/Advanced

A review of the Javascript's basic features, but in a very deep and different way. Will give you insight into how a Javascript engine thinks about the language, parses text, etc. Will be recommended to you again and again -- it is a more complex read but extremely insightful.

Human Javascript -- Intermediate

This book is moreso about writing Javascript that not only works, but is elegant and maintainable by yourself and your collaborators. It will not dwell on how Javascript itself works or its features, but moreso on patterns to be used for solving problems in sane, controllable ways. A good read for someone looking to understand these problems and start exploring the craft of writing good code.

Secrets of the Javascript Ninja -- Beginner/Intermediate

A fairly large book, and lots about cross-browser DOM differences. Addresses a large range of concepts from Javascript features, how Regex is used, how the DOM is wrangled.

Javascript Allongé -- Advanced

A heavy, fast-paced book about Javascript and design pattern concepts. The writing is complex, a bit unforgiving at times, but brilliant. Addresses different strategies for object composition, building different constructs and code clarity/reusability.

Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript -- Beginner/Intermediate

Broken into 68 different concepts and "did-you-knows" about Javascript, easy to pick up and read for 10 minutes and put down again. Very well-written and exposes a lot of different quirks of Javascript.

If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript -- Beginner/Intermediate

A fun read! Takes a problem and solves in a variety of different ways as if the solutions had been written in the style of famous authors, including, as you might expect, Ernest Hemingway. Interesting to see the different ways a single problem could be solved as well as what a "different style" of programming could possibly look like.


AngularJS Up and Running by O'Reilly -- Beginner/Intermediate

More of an introduction to Angular, goes over the basics you would expect. Written by some of the core Angular team.

ng-book -- Intermediate/Advanced

The most commonly recommended book on Angular, is very thorough about a bunch of different concepts, including advanced topics of bootstrapping, how directives work under the hood, etc.. Can sometimes make assumptions about reader's knowledge and is usually better read by hopping around chapters.

Node/Back-end Programming

Node.js the Right Way -- Beginner/Intermediate

A short but dense book, goes over the concepts of Node, what makes it different from other platforms, and its basics like CommonJS, building servers, using TCP sockets. Recommended for review and some new concepts.

MongoDB: The Definitive Guide: Edition 2 -- Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced

This book starts off simple and moves quickly into advanced concepts of MongoDB like indexing, sharding, scaling. Good for those interested in why MongoDB is used, advanced concepts and how it differs from other database systems.

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software -- Advanced

Not about Javascript, Node or MongoDB, but a classic software book about strict ideas of architecture which are very relevant to back-end programming and database theory. Not for the faint of heart, but an excellent read for those ready to learn about the importance of application architecture at scale.

Generic Programming

Code Complete 2nd Edition -- Advanced

A legendary book, my (Joe's) favorite book about software. It is not Javascript specific--in fact, at one point, it literally calls Javascript a toy language, which is okay because the book is fairly old. It addresses almost EVERYTHING relevant to programming, including how to think about software, name variables, create modules, communicate with other programmers, communicate with non-programmers about software, write a function, you name it.

The ultimate point and goal of this book is to distinguish what skills and knowledge allow programs to work and what makes those programs good. Not for the faint of heart: It is MASSIVE, the writing is very dry and your ambition should not be to read it cover-to-cover. But it is a fantastic book with tons of insight and will make you a better programmer one day.

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -- Advanced

Another legend. Not Javascript specific (implements its examples in Perl, mostly). This book addresses effective ways to think about software, specifically the mental models necessary to understand the organization and operations of software, including abstraction, code flow and composition.

Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions --- Intermediate

An instant classic, reviews common whiteboarding problems used in industry interviews. Great for data structures and algorithms practice, good preparation and companion with REACTO in senior phase.

The Algorithm Design Manual — Steven Skiena -- Intermediate/Advanced

No JS, but a very clearly-written and enjoyable reference for diving deeper into data structures and algorithms. Examples are in pseudocode / simple C but are not too challenging to follow. A large book that will take a long time to finish but will definitely improve your understanding of fundamental computer science topics.


The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master

Another legend. Once again, not Javascript specific, this book is concerned moreso with how programmers communicate with their peers and others -- through what they write and what they say. Much shorter than the above, and the writing is loose and funny. Once again, the goal is to explore and teach how to be an effective programmer as opposed to a programmer that simply gets things to work.

Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams

This book is does not instruct on programming at all: it is about the industry, a programmer's day-to-day, how effective programming teams function and how to be a good manager of software teams. Even if you are not planning to be a manager, this advice will apply to your understanding of YOUR manager/lead developer and the dynamics of the team around you, as well as give you interpersonal tips for your job search.

Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job, 2nd Edition

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sgim commented Jun 3, 2016

Another good resource for JavaScript design patterns:

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