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Created August 21, 2023 12:38
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Insecure Direct Object Reference (csharp) 23 results (9 repositories)

Results for "Insecure Direct Object Reference"

 * @name Insecure Direct Object Reference
 * @description Using user input to control which object is modified without
 *              proper authorization checks allows an attacker to modify arbitrary objects.
 * @kind problem
 * @problem.severity error
 * @security-severity 7.5
 * @precision medium
 * @id cs/insecure-direct-object-reference
 * @tags security
 *       external/cwe-639

import csharp

from ActionMethod m
where hasInsecureDirectObjectReference(m)
select m,
  "This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID."


Repository Results
umbraco/Umbraco-CMS 8 result(s)
jellyfin/jellyfin 3 result(s)
aspnetrun/run-aspnetcore-microservices 2 result(s)
dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers 2 result(s)
open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet 2 result(s)
OrchardCMS/OrchardCore 2 result(s)
ThreeMammals/Ocelot 2 result(s)
abpframework/abp 1 result(s)
aws/aws-lambda-dotnet 1 result(s)



    // TODO: This needs to be an authorized endpoint.
    public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
        ILanguage? language = _localizationService.GetLanguageById(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public IActionResult DeleteBlueprint(int id)
        IContent? found = _contentService.GetBlueprintById(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public IActionResult DeleteLanguage(int id)
        ILanguage? language = _localizationService.GetLanguageById(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public IActionResult DeleteById(int id)
        IMacro? macro = _macroService.GetById(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public IActionResult DeleteById(int id)
        IMemberGroup? memberGroup = _memberGroupService.GetById(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public IActionResult DeleteRedirectUrl(Guid id)

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public IActionResult DeleteById(int id)
        IRelationType? relationType = _relationService.GetRelationTypeById(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public IActionResult DeleteById(int id)
        ITemplate? template = _fileService.GetTemplate(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.



        public ActionResult DeleteProfile([FromRoute, Required] string profileId)
            var existingDeviceProfile = _dlnaManager.GetProfile(profileId);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


        [Authorize(Policy = Policies.DefaultAuthorization)]
        public ActionResult DeleteTunerHost([FromQuery] string? id)
            var config = _configurationManager.GetConfiguration<LiveTvOptions>("livetv");

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


        [Authorize(Policy = Policies.DefaultAuthorization)]
        public ActionResult DeleteListingProvider([FromQuery] string? id)

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.



        [HttpDelete("{id:length(24)}", Name = "DeleteProduct")]        
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(Product), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
        public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteProductById(string id)
            return Ok(await _repository.DeleteProduct(id));

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


        public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteOrder(int id)
            var command = new DeleteOrderCommand() { Id = id };

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.



    public async Task DeleteBasketByIdAsync(string id)
        await _repository.DeleteBasketAsync(id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


    public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteProductAsync(int id)
        var product = _catalogContext.CatalogItems.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.




        public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(string todoId)
            var model = (await _session.Query<TodoModel>().ListAsync())

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.



        public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(string todoId)
            var model = (await _session.Query<TodoModel>().ListAsync())

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.



    // DELETE api/values/5
    public void Delete(int id)

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.


        // DELETE api/values/5
        public void Delete(int id)

This method may not verify which users should be able to access resources of the provided ID.

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