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Update Email Addresses
tell application "Contacts"
repeat with i from 1 to (count every person)
set theEmailAddresses to properties of emails of person i
repeat with j from 1 to (count of theEmailAddresses)
if value of item j of theEmailAddresses contains "" then
set oldAddress to value of item j of theEmailAddresses
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"@"}
set firstBit to first text item of oldAddress
set newAddress to firstBit & ""
set value of item j of emails of person i to newAddress
end if
if value of item j of theEmailAddresses contains "" then
set oldAddress to value of item j of theEmailAddresses
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"@"}
set firstBit to first text item of oldAddress
set newAddress to firstBit & ""
set value of item j of emails of person i to newAddress
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
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