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Forked from andrewgiessel/gist:4635563
Created January 5, 2016 20:46
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simple numpy based 2d gaussian function
import numpy as np
def makeGaussian(size, fwhm = 3, center=None):
""" Make a square gaussian kernel.
size is the length of a side of the square
fwhm is full-width-half-maximum, which
can be thought of as an effective radius.
x = np.arange(0, size, 1, float)
y = x[:,np.newaxis]
if center is None:
x0 = y0 = size // 2
x0 = center[0]
y0 = center[1]
return np.exp(-4*np.log(2) * ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2) / fwhm**2)
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