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Last active April 15, 2022 12:56
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Numba implementation of Guillotine bin packing
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
DOESNT_FIT = -99999999
X = 0
Y = 1
W = 2
H = 3
def intersects(x, y, w, h, xx, yy, ww, hh):
self_left, self_right = x, x + w
self_bottom, self_top = y, y + h
rect_left, rect_right = xx, xx + ww
rect_bottom, rect_top = yy, yy + hh
# Not even touching
if (self_bottom > rect_top or \
self_top < rect_bottom or \
self_left > rect_right or \
self_right < rect_left):
return False
# Discard corner intersects
if (self_left == rect_right and self_bottom == rect_top or \
self_left == rect_right and rect_bottom == self_top or \
rect_left == self_right and self_bottom == rect_top or \
rect_left == self_right and rect_bottom == self_top):
return False
return True
def contains(x, y, w, h, xx, yy, ww, hh):
return yy >= y and xx >= x and yy + hh <= y + h and xx + ww <= x + w
def join(x, y, w, h, xx, yy, ww, hh):
if contains(x, y, w, h, xx, yy, ww, hh):
return True, x, y, w, h
if contains(xx, yy, ww, hh, x, y, w, h):
return True, xx, yy, ww, hh
if not intersects(x, y, h, w, xx, yy, ww, hh):
return False, x, y, w, h
if x == xx and w == ww:
y_min = min(y, yy)
y_max = max(y + h, yy + hh)
return True, x, y_min, w, y_max - y_min
if y == yy and h == hh:
x_min = min(x, xx)
x_max = max(x + w, xx + ww)
return True, x_min, y, x_max - x_min, h
return False, x, y, w, h
('sections', nb.int32[:,:]),
('next_section', nb.int32),
('n_sections', nb.int32),
('w', nb.int32),
('h', nb.int32),
class Packer(object):
def __init__(self, w, h, n):
# n = maximum number of sections
self.sections = np.empty((n, 5), dtype=np.int32)
self.w = w
self.h = h
def reset(self):
self.next_section = 0
self.n_sections = 0
self.append_section(0, 0, self.w, self.h)
def append_section(self, x, y, w, h):
for i in range(self.sections.shape[0]):
if self.sections[i,DELETION_FLAG] == DELETED:
self.sections[i,X] = x
self.sections[i,Y] = y
self.sections[i,W] = w
self.sections[i,H] = h
self.sections[i,DELETION_FLAG] = NOT_DELETED
self.n_sections += 1
if i == self.next_section:
self.next_section += 1
# fatal condition: out of space
def delete_section(self, i):
self.sections[i,DELETION_FLAG] = DELETED
self.n_sections -= 1
def is_deleted(self, i):
return self.sections[i,DELETION_FLAG] == DELETED
def add_section(self, x, y, w, h):
deleting = True
while self.n_sections > 0 and deleting:
deleting = False
for i in range(self.next_section + 1):
if self.is_deleted(i):
xx, yy, ww, hh = self.sections[i,:4]
joinp, x, y, w, h = join(x, y, w, h, xx, yy, ww, hh)
if joinp:
deleting = True
self.append_section(x, y, w, h)
def split(self, xx, yy, ww, hh, w, h):
# short axis split
# if ww < hh:
# short leftover axis split
if ww - w < hh - h:
# split horizontal
if h < hh:
self.add_section(xx, yy + h, ww, hh - h)
if w < ww:
self.add_section(xx + w, yy, ww - w, h)
# split vertical
if h < hh:
self.add_section(xx, yy + h, w, hh - h)
if w < ww:
self.add_section(xx + w, yy, ww - w, hh)
def section_fitness(self, i, w, h):
ww = self.sections[i,W]
hh = self.sections[i,H]
# best area fit
if w > ww or h > hh:
return (ww * hh) - (w * h)
def select_fittest_section(self, w, h):
min_fitness = DOESNT_FIT
fittest_section = NO_SECTION
for i in range(self.next_section + 1):
if self.is_deleted(i):
fitness = self.section_fitness(i, w, h)
if fitness == DOESNT_FIT:
if min_fitness == DOESNT_FIT or fitness < min_fitness:
fittest_section = i
return fittest_section
def add_rect(self, w, h):
section = self.select_fittest_section(w, h)
if section == NO_SECTION:
return (-1, -1)
x, y, ww, hh = self.sections[section,:4]
self.split(x, y, ww, hh, w, h)
return x, y
def pack(w, h, ws, hs, xs, ys, pages):
n = len(ws)
p = Packer(w, h, max(n,128)) # should be enough overhead
need_more_pages = True
page = 1
while need_more_pages:
need_more_pages = False
for i in range(n):
if pages[i] > 0: # already placed
x, y = p.add_rect(ws[i], hs[i])
if x == -1 or y == -1:
need_more_pages = True
xs[i], ys[i] = x, y
pages[i] = page
page += 1
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@bharathraja I think you're asking if this could be implemented as a function rather than using a class; I considered that but I'm getting acceptable performance with the class-based version.

If you're asking about documentation of the algorithm itself, it can be found here

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