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Given the following code and test, implement the ChangeSet class and attribute es6 decorator so that the tests pass. The code should be valid typescript code.

class ChangeSet {


class User extends ChangeSet {
@attribute name: string;
@attribute age: number;
class FormFixture extends Fixture {
@element submitButton;
submit() {;
class FooFixture extends FormFixture {
constructor() {
joegaudet / machine.js
Last active May 10, 2022 18:44
Generated by XState Viz:
const machine = Machine(
initial: 'intro',
context: {
title: '',
ctaTitle: '',
states: {
intro: {
on: {
const machine = Machine(
initial: 'intro',
context: {
title: '',
ctaTitle: '',
states: {
intro: {
on: {
SSLProxyEngine On
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/css text/javascript application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType INFLATE text/xml text/xsl
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
Redirect /wp-admin/install.php
with formated_order_items as (
select, as order_id,
(string_agg(oi.quantity || ' - ' ||, CHR(10))) as description,
string_agg(mog.verb || ' ' ||, ',') as pickles,
string_agg(, ',') as dietary_tags
from order_items oi
join menu_items mi on oi.menu_item_id =
join order_item_menu_option_items oimoi on = oimoi.order_item_id
joegaudet / cypress-ember-data-hooks.js
Created July 8, 2020 00:14
Some cypress commands to work with ember-data
// use ember-expose-global and replace MyAppName with you
Cypress.Commands.add("getStore", () => {
return cy
.then((win) => cy.wrap(win.MyAppName.__container__.lookup('service:store')));
* Create Record
* @param {string} Record Name
joegaudet / cypress-ember-data-hooks.js
Created July 8, 2020 00:14
Some cypress commands to work with ember-data
// use ember-expose-global and replace MyAppName with you
Cypress.Commands.add("getStore", () => {
return cy
.then((win) => cy.wrap(win.MyAppName.__container__.lookup('service:store')));
* Create Record
* @param {string} Record Name
Cypress.Commands.add("settleAppPromises", () => {
return cy.window()
.then(win => cy.waitUntil(() => win.SwiftFox.__container__.lookup('service:settledPromiseQueue').isEmpty));
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('click', (originalFn) => {
return originalFn();
const closed = 2;
const closed_2 = 3;
.filter(_ => _ > closed)
.map(_ => _ * closed_3);