- Dry Area: BIAB bag, 1L & 1/2L Pyrex, malt/hop glass, electronic scales, cake rack
- Wet Area: Fermentor with lid & airlock. Wort chiller, refractometer, metal sieve, towels, brew sheet
- Flame Area: Stockpot, lid, ruler, mash paddle, digital thermometer
- Ingredients: Malt, Hops, Yeast
- Add Water to kettle
- Flame on
- Raise temperature to 2 degress above strike temp
- Flame off
- Add Cake rack
- Add BIAB bag
- Pour grain from 30cm above pot (doughing in). Stir to avoid clumps
- Check time, this is mash starting time
- Check temp, Add lid if within 2C. Remove lid if high, other put lid on. If too low heat and move.
- Check temp at 5, 10, 20, 40, 70
- Finished afer 90 minutes
- (Optional) Mash Out
- Flame on
- Pull the bag: Raise, twist and squeeze. Use saucepan lids to squeeze the bag.
- Drop bag in bin bag, dispose
- Remove cake rack
Write down mistakes at this point. Get hops and bits ready with notes for when they are added.
- Flame on to 100C (sweet liquor becomes wort at 100c)
- Flame out at 100C
- Check Gravity and volume
- Flame on
- 30 minutes making sure the temp is steady. Empty grains and clean bag
- 30 minutes in: Add bittering hops (can boilover, watch out)
- Spray immersion chiller with star san, add to pot, add lid, add heat to keep it at 100C. Add extra time for drop in temp.
- 20 minutes left: Add flavour hops, finings,
- 0 minutes: Add aroma hops
- Flame out
Around the same time as the wort chiller going in. Make a yeast starter if required
Fill Fermenator with Sterilizer. Put in everything that will touch beer after it has cooled
- Beer thief
- Airlock
- Sieve
- BIAB bag
Wash out with high temp water
- Turn on wort chiller
- Stir to drop temp faster
- Stop the chill at 20C
- Prepare sieve and BIAB above FV
- Pour kettle into
- If not enough in FV, add cold water
- Measure the gravity and volume
- Air the wort for 5 minutes using paddle
- Pitch the yeast
- Seal container
- Move to temp controlled area