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Created May 22, 2014 17:00
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Security notes for Rails


SQL Injection

Never interpolate user input directly in a SQL statement.


User.where("name = #{params[:search][:name]}")


User.where(name: params[:search][:name])
User.where("name = ?", params[:search][:name])

Command injection

Never interpolate user input directly in a shell command. There are two ways to prevent attackers from running arbitrary code on your servers:

  1. Supply an array to system or exec instead of a single string, breaking up the command and its arguments. This way, your arguments won't be interpreted by the shell.
  2. Use Shellwords.shellescape(str) (or the shorthand String#shellescape) to sanitize the user input.


system("ls repositories/#{params[:project]}")

`ls repositories/#{params[:project]}`


system("ls", "repositories/#{params[:project]}")

require "shellwords"
`ls repositories/#{params[:project].shellescape}`

Ruby symbols

Using to_sym on user input is vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks. Unlike strings, ruby symbols are never garbage collected, so an attacker could issue a bunch of requests with different values and fill up your app's memory. Only use to_sym on controlled values.


if params[:foo].to_sym == :bar


if params[:foo].to_s == "bar"


Don't use MD5 or SHA1 for hashing passwords and other sensitive information. Use BCrypt.

XSS - Bootstrapping JSON


  var objects = <%= @objects.to_json.html_safe %>;
  var items = <%= raw @items.to_json %>;


class ActionView::Base
  def json_escape(s)
    result = s.to_s.gsub('/', '\/')
    s.html_safe? ? result.html_safe : result

  alias j json_escape
  var objects = <%= j @objects.to_json %>;
  var items = <%= j @items.to_json %>;

This monkey patch should be included in rails 4.1.


  1. Rails Security Guide
  2. Ruby Security
  3. RailsGoat Project
  4. How to Securely Bootstrap JSON in a Rails View
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