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Start active players on your Yahoo Fantasy Hockey team for the week/month/year
// Start Active Players in Yahoo Fantasy Hockey League
// So, you want to set your lineup for the rest of the season? Or maybe it's
// just to make sure you have guys playing for the week while you're away.
// Either way, I've got you covered!
// ****************************************
// ****************************************
// Copy and paste this code into your browser's console while you're on your
// fantasy team's roster page. Yes, all of it. Don't know how to get to your
// console? I've got you covered there too.
// Chrome:
// Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + J
// Mac: CMD + OPT + J
// Firefox:
// Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + K
// Mac: CMD + OPT + K
// Safari:
// Preferences > Advanced > Show Developer Tools
// Mac: CMD + OPT + I
// Internet Explorer
// Windows: F12 > Console
// If none of those work, try Google
// To start, if you don't modify anything, this will start setting your
// lineups from today until the last day of the season. The ONLY thing you
// should modify is the startDate below. To modify it, remove the "// "
// before so the line starts at "var". Then, set the date you want to start
// setting your lineup.
// If something goes wrong, you can always type in "clearInterval(timer)"
// (without the quotation marks) to cancel this script OR you can refresh
// the page and everything will go back to normal.
// I've also left comments in the code if you want to see what's going on
// underneath the hood. So, without further ado..
// timer is a global object so if anything goes wrong, we can cancel it
// with "clearInterval(timer)" (without the quotation marks)
// Mostly for testing purposes
var timer = undefined;
// To request pages without needing to load all of its files, we're including
// jQuery (a JavaScript library) to be able to fake page requests through AJAX
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.setAttribute('src', '//');
// Since we need jQuery, we're only running the rest of the code after its loaded
jq.onload = function () {
// Date you want to start setting your active players, YYYY-MM-DD
// Make sure it's set within the same quotation marks on either side
// You can leave this commented out; it'll start on today's date
// var startDate = '2014-12-31';
// Last game of the season is played on April 13th :(
var endOfSeason = new Date('2014-04-13');
// If you've specified a custom start date, use that
// If not, use today as a starting point
var date = undefined;
if (typeof startDate !== 'undefined') {
date = new Date(startDate);
} else {
date = new Date();
// Undefined variables (for now) to store dates
var daysRemaining = undefined;
var newYear = undefined;
var newMonth = undefined;
var newDay = undefined;
// The URL holds the information to your league and team IDs
var url = window.location.href;
// Let's break down the URL
// What we need is the League's ID and your Team's ID
url = url.split('hockey/');
url = url[1].split('/');
var leagueID = url[0];
var teamID = url[1];
var crumb = '';
var startActiveUrl = '';
// Now, there's a little crumb that we need to add to the end of the URL
// I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone so let's just find and use it
var els = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
// For every <a> element (button/link) on the page
for (var i = 0, l = els.length; i < l; i++) {
var el = els[i];
// If any of their link values contain "crumb"
if (el.href.match('crumb')) {
// Save the crumb to a variable so we can use it later
crumb = el.getAttribute('href');
crumb = crumb.split('crumb=');
crumb = crumb[1];
(function setDaysRemaining () {
// Hours * minutes * seconds * milliseconds
var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var firstDate = date;
var secondDate = endOfSeason;
// Calculate the days remaining based on the startDate (or today)
// and the last game of the season (endOfSeason)
daysRemaining = Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime())/(oneDay)) + 1;
// Set the (currently) undefined variables
// Set the day to the starting day plus 1
date.setDate(parseInt(newDay, 10) + 1);
// Start a timer, fun
timer = setInterval(function() {
// At the end of this, we subtract 1 from the amount of days left in
// the season. If the daysRemaining is above 0 before that, run this
// part of the code
if (daysRemaining > 0) {
// Update the date
// Let's create a new URL from your settings
startActiveUrl = '' + leagueID + '/' + teamID + '/startactiveplayers?date=' + newYear + '-' + newMonth + '-' + newDay + '&crumb=' + crumb;
// Here, we're going to use the jQuery script we loaded before to
// send a GET request. Reason being was to send many requests
// without having to download any files. Every byte counts for
// us Canadians!
// Little note for you in the console
console.log('Setting roster for: ' + date);
// Since we may need to set newDay to a string (if its a single digit
// day, 1 to 9), convert it back into an integer/number so we can
// calculate the next date
newDay = parseInt(newDay, 10);
// Calculate the next date
date.setDate(newDay + 1);
} else {
// If there are no more days remaining from startDate (or today) and
// endOfSeason, cancel the timer and show an alert box
alert('All of your lineups have been set!');
// Remember above we talked about subtracting 1 from the total days
// remaining? This is it
daysRemaining -= 1;
// JavaScript time is run in milliseconds
// 1000ms = 1s
// Run the timer every second
}, 200);
function setNewDate () {
// From the new date we created, get the values for year, month, day
newYear = date.getFullYear();
// Note: in JavaScript, months run 0 to 11, so April is month 3, not 4
// For Yahoo though, we need the actual month number
newMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
newDay = date.getDate();
// Same as in the beginning, if a month or day is a single digit,
// add a '0' in front of it; again, for Yahoo
if (newMonth.toString().length === 1) {
newMonth = '0' + newMonth;
if (newDay.toString().length === 1) {
newDay = '0' + newDay;
// That's it! You're all set to get your lineups rolling with a little code.
// Welcome to the lazy, but efficient, life of programming :)
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