Collection of various design resources I use for projects and inspiration.
- Product Hunt - collections of products from across the web. reddit for products.
- Invision app - prototyping and mood board collaboration tool
- Codrops tutorials
- Animated SVG drumkit in jQuery
- Smashing Magazine
- Web Designer Newsletter
- Modern Web Design Process
- Stash List
- CSS Icons
- Best of Themes
- San Francisco Design Library
- Unheap jQuery plugin libary
- Subtle Patterns
- Web Gradients
- Makerbook
- Stocksnap Free stock image search
- Codyhouse library
- Coloors color generator
- Printable Sketch Sheets for wireframing
- Illustrio Customizable Icons
- Flowchart kit for sketch
Minimal alternatives to Bootstrap and Foundation:
Thanks for sharing with us. I would like to ask you an open question. I need someone who can help me design a Marijuana SVG Bundle. Do I found a website called MasterBundles. Can you please help me to design something like this one? Thank you so much!