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Forked from waynehoover/main.rb
Created November 5, 2010 03:48
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require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
require "base64"
get '/upload' do
bucket = 'bucket name here'
access_key_id = 'access key id here'
secret_access_key = 'Enter secret access key here'
key = 'dev'
acl = 'public-read'
expiration_date = 10.hours.from_now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z')
max_filesize = 2.gigabyte
policy = Base64.encode64(
"{'expiration': '#{expiration_date}',
'conditions': [
{'bucket': '#{bucket}'},
['starts-with', '$key', '#{key}'],
{'acl': '#{acl}'},
{'success_action_status': '201'},
['starts-with', '$Filename', ''],
['content-length-range', 0, #{max_filesize}]
}").gsub(/\n|\r/, '')
signature = Base64.encode64(
secret_access_key, policy)).gsub("\n","")
@post = {
"key" => "#{key}/${filename}",
"AWSAccessKeyId" => "#{access_key_id}",
"acl" => "#{acl}",
"policy" => "#{policy}",
"signature" => "#{signature}",
"success_action_status" => "201"
@upload_url = "http://#{bucket}"
haml :upload
post '/upload' do
#probably want to do more things with the params, like add the file to a database, post process etc.
@@ layout
!!! 5
%title Sinatra AWS Upload Example
%link{:rel => "stylesheet", :href => "", :type => "text/css", :media =>"all"}
%link{:rel => "stylesheet", :href => "/css/swfupload.css", :type => "text/css", :media => "all"}
%script{:src => "/js/swfupload/swfupload.js"}
%script{:src => ""}
%script{:src => ""}
= yield
@@ upload
// Backend Settings
upload_url: "<%= @upload_url %>", // Relative to the SWF file (or you can use absolute paths)
http_success : [ 200, 201, 204 ], // FOR AWS
// File Upload Settings
file_size_limit : "102400", // 100MB
file_types : "*.*",
file_types_description : "All Files",
file_upload_limit : "10",
file_queue_limit : "0",
file_post_name : "file", // FOR AWS
// Button settings
button_image_url : "/images/XPButtonUploadText_61x22.png",
button_placeholder_id : "spanButtonPlaceHolder",
button_width: 61,
button_height: 22,
// Flash Settings
flash_url : "/assets/swfupload.swf",
debug: true,
post_params: <%= @post.to_json %> // FOR AWS
.bind('swfuploadLoaded', function(event){
.bind('fileQueued', function(event, file){
$('#log').append('<li>File queued - ''</li>');
// start the upload since it's queued
.bind('fileQueueError', function(event, file, errorCode, message){
$('#log').append('<li>File queue error - '+message+'</li>');
.bind('fileDialogStart', function(event){
$('#log').append('<li>File dialog start</li>');
.bind('fileDialogComplete', function(event, numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued){
$('#log').append('<li>File dialog complete</li>');
.bind('uploadStart', function(event, file){
$('#log').append('<li>Upload start - ''</li>');
.bind('uploadProgress', function(event, file, bytesLoaded){
$('#log').append('<li>Upload progress - '+bytesLoaded+'</li>');
.bind('uploadSuccess', function(event, file, serverData){
$('#log').append('<li>Upload success - ''</li>');
.bind('uploadComplete', function(event, file){
$('#log').append('<li>Upload complete - ''</li>');
// Change this callback function to suite your needs
type: "POST",
url: '/upload',
data: "name=" +,
async: false,
// upload has completed, lets try the next one in the queue
.bind('uploadError', function(event, file, errorCode, message){
$('#log').append('<li>Upload error - '+message+'</li>');
%div{:id=> "swfupload-control"}
%ol{:id=> "log"}
%span{:id=> "spanButtonPlaceHolder"}
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