- list functions assign variables in reverse order in PHP7
- HTTP/2
- makes things faster by managing latency
- introduces multiplexing in single TCP connections
- #core-http on slack (working group)
- CSS4
- CSS color() function coming soon
- varables in CSS
- PostCSS to implement future CSS standards before they're in browsers
- many browser APIs are only available over HTTPS (e.g., service worker, etc)
- Let's Encrypt (ACME - REST based standard cert authority interface)
- We need to solve the mixed content problem for sites converting
- ECMAScript6 (JS2015)
- A more modular approach
- look up arrow functions and rest params
- promises (pending, fulfilled, resolved) (Babel compiler lets you use this today)
Look at #wpfuturestack on Twitter
- Look at director for routing
- Remember to change header info when routes change
- remember the 'embed' option on API requests to pass associated data with a Post
- Joe has a plugin to manage what gets returned via embed
- Look into using Hogan from Twitter to render JS templates on the server
- Using WP at the NYTimes for live-blogging
Things to learn:
- Immutable data (functional programming)
- Event sourcing (enterprise Java)
- ES6katas.org – learn ES6
- Pick a new skill
- JS
- Functional Programming
- Single page apps (React)
- A new language or library
- UX & Design
- Algorithms/machine learning
Ideas about learning
- Hard to learn new things when you need them because of shipping pressure.
- When you practice, it should be messy
- Be deliberate & unproductive
- Book: 7 languages in 7 weeks
- Book: Pragmatic Thinking & Learning
- Coursera: Learning ow to Learn