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Created November 10, 2016 17:55
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Comparing lists, tuples and maps
# a crude program to show examples of a tuple
# and relate to lists and strings
# a tuple is similar to a list, but uses parentheses
fibs = (0, 1, 1, 2, 3)
# Above, we define the variable fibs as the numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, and 3.
# Just like a list, we print the item in the index position 3 in the tuple.
# The main difference between a tuple and a list is that you cannot
# change the tuple once you've created it.
# For example, if we try to replace an index position value in the tuple,
# we get an error message.
# fibs[0] = 4
# If we cannot change a tuple once we've created it,
# Why would we use a tuple instead of a list?
# I'm glad you asked,
# primarily, it's because sometimes it is useful to use something
# that you know can never change.
# If you create a tuple with two elements inside, it will
# always have those two elements.
# We can see the importance if we call on particular specifications (a tuple created in another program) of something in a program
# we are currently working in. In this way, tuples are more efficient than using a list. -we'll dive into that later.
# Python Maps Won't Help You Find Your Way -adapted from Jason Briggs Python for Kids
# In Python, a MAP (also referred to as a dict (or dictionary)
# is a collection of things, like lists and tuples.
# The difference between maps, tuples, and lists:
# each item in a map has a KEY and a corresponding VALUE.
# For example, say we have a list of company brands and what those brands make:
things_brands_make = ['IKEA, furniture', 'Ralph Lauren, clothing', 'General Motors, cars', 'Deer Park, bottled water', 'BIC, writing tools']
# Above, we put the information into a Python list, with the brand followed
# by what stuff that brand makes.
# If you were asked what things the brand, BIC makes, you can scan the list and find
# the answer to be writing tools.
# But, what if the list included 200 (or more) brands?
# -That would take up a lot more time!
# So, if we store the information in a map, with the brand's name as the key
# and what they make as the value,
# The Python code would look like this:
things_brands_make = {'IKEA' : 'furniture', 'Ralph Lauren' : 'clothing', 'General Motors' : 'cars', 'Deer Park' : 'bottled water', 'BIC' : 'writing tools'}
# We use colons to separate each key from its value, and each key and value is sectioned of wih single quotes.
# Notice too, the items in the map are enclosed by braces ({}),
# not parentheses, like a tuple, and not brackets like a list.
# The result of a map (each key maps to a particular value), can visualized as a table:
# | Brand Name | Value |
# ______________ _____________
# | IKEA | furniture |
# | Ralph Lauren | clothing |
# | General Motors | cars |
# | Deer Park | bottled water |
# | Bic | writing tools |
# Now, to get the type of things the brand, BIC makes,
# we access our map "things_brands_make" using the brand's name as the key,
# like this:
# Python gives the answer, writing tools.
# To delete a value in the map, use its key.
# For example, I'll remove Deer Park:
del things_brands_make['Deer Park']
# Now, the key, Deer Park and its value, bottled water is not part of the map
# To replace a value in a map, we also use its key:
things_brands_make['Ralph Lauren'] = 'shoes'
# In other words, we replaced the thing that a brand makes with shoes
# by using the key Ralph Lauren.
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