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Created January 13, 2012 20:14
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App.collectionController = Em.ArrayProxy.create(Ember.PaginationSupport, {
content: [],
totalBinding: 'fullContent.length',
didRequestRange: function(rangeStart, rangeStop) {
var content = this.get('fullContent').slice(rangeStart, rangeStop);
this.replace(0, this.get('length'), content);
var get = Ember.get;
@extends Ember.Mixin
Implements common pagination management properties for controllers.
Ember.PaginationSupport = Ember.Mixin.create({
hasPaginationSupport: true,
total: 0,
rangeStart: 0,
rangeWindowSize: 10,
didRequestRange: Ember.K,
rangeStop: function() {
var rangeStop = get(this, 'rangeStart') + get(this, 'rangeWindowSize'),
total = get(this, 'total');
if (rangeStop < total) {
return rangeStop;
return total;
}.property('total', 'rangeStart', 'rangeWindowSize').cacheable(),
hasPrevious: function() {
return get(this, 'rangeStart') > 0;
hasNext: function() {
return get(this, 'rangeStop') < get(this, 'total');
}.property('rangeStop', 'total').cacheable(),
nextPage: function() {
if (get(this, 'hasNext')) {
this.incrementProperty('rangeStart', get(this, 'rangeWindowSize'));
previousPage: function() {
if (get(this, 'hasPrevious')) {
this.decrementProperty('rangeStart', get(this, 'rangeWindowSize'));
page: function() {
return (get(this, 'rangeStart') / get(this, 'rangeWindowSize')) + 1;
}.property('rangeStart', 'rangeWindowSize').cacheable(),
totalPages: function() {
return Math.ceil(get(this, 'total') / get(this, 'rangeWindowSize'));
}.property('total', 'rangeWindowSize').cacheable(),
pageDidChange: function() {
this.didRequestRange(get(this, 'rangeStart'), get(this, 'rangeStop'));
}.observes('total', 'rangeStart', 'rangeStop')
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I was wondering if you can put some example with an html view, about how we could work with this "pagination_support.js" because I'm very new in Ember.js



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hi, i am also an emberjs-newbie,
but this is how my view looks like:

<div class="pagination">
    <li {{bindAttr class="hasPrevious::hidden"}}>
      <a {{action "previousPage" target="controller"}}>
        &larr; previous
    <li {{bindAttr class="hasNext::hidden"}}>
      <a {{action "nextPage" target="controller"}}>
        &rarr; next

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Stan92 commented Mar 3, 2013

More than a newbie, I just discovered ember.js this week and it seems very interesting as framework...
I m facing to the same problem, do you have a complete implementation example (model, view, controller) ?

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Not based on this specific code, but is still the same general idea, and it has the example implementation you're asking about -

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