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Last active April 9, 2021 03:30
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Check a text for OCR typo patterns, using XQuery
xquery version "3.1";
: Find possible OCR errors in a text by checking for patterns that an OCR
: process is known to misread, e.g., "day" misread as "clay", or "France"
: misread as "Prance." If the OCR engine just misread some instances of these
: words but got other instances correct, then this query will highlight
: candidates for correction.
: The query lets you configure a source text and define pattern sets to be used.
: Pattern sets consist of four parameters:
: 1. "sic": the OCR error
: 2. "corr": the correct version
: 3. "anchored": whether the error appears at the start of a word, the end of
: the word, or anywhere in the word
: 4. "case-sensitive": whether the pattern should be treated as case-sensitive
: or case-insensitive
: In the case of the day/clay example above, the parameters would be:
: 1. "sic": "cl"
: 2. "corr": "d"
: 3. "anchored": "start"
: 4. "case-sensitive": true
: If we apply this pattern to the following text:
: "clay clown day down"
: ... the expected result would be:
: [
: {
: "sic": "clay"
: "corr": "day"
: },
: {
: "sic": "clown",
: "corr": "down"
: }
: ]
declare namespace array="";
declare namespace map="";
declare namespace output="";
declare namespace tei="";
declare option output:method "adaptive";
declare variable $local:pattern-sets := (
(: States > Slates :)
map {
"sic-literal": "Sl",
"corr-literal": "St",
"anchored": "start",
"case-sensitive": true()
(: Mexiro > Mexico :)
map {
"sic-literal": "ro",
"corr-literal": "co",
"anchored": "end",
"case-sensitive": true()
(: Prance > France :)
map {
"sic-literal": "Pr",
"corr-literal": "Fr",
"anchored": "start",
"case-sensitive": true()
(: clay > day :)
map {
"sic-literal": "cl",
"corr-literal": "d",
"anchored": "start",
"case-sensitive": true()
(: elate > date :)
map {
"sic-literal": "el",
"corr-literal": "d",
"anchored": "start",
"case-sensitive": true()
(:~ Convert a string literal into a regular expression for the position :)
declare function local:literal-to-regex($literal as xs:string, $position as xs:string) {
switch ($position)
case "start" return "^(" || $literal || ")(.+)$"
case "end" return "^(.+)(" || $literal || ")$"
default (: anywhere :) return "^(.*)(" || $literal || ")(.*)$"
(:~ Find matches for a regular expression in a sequence of words :)
declare function local:find-matches($words as xs:string*, $regex as xs:string, $flags as xs:string) as map(*)* {
for $word in $words
let $analysis := analyze-string($word, $regex, $flags)[fn:match]
if (exists($analysis)) then
map {
"word": $word,
"match": $analysis/fn:match
(:~ Check a sequence of words for sic/corr pairs that match known OCR error patterns :)
declare function local:check-words($words as xs:string*, $pattern-set as map(*)) {
(: Transform the literals into regular expressions :)
let $sic-regex := local:literal-to-regex($pattern-set?sic-literal, $pattern-set?anchored)
let $corr-regex := local:literal-to-regex($pattern-set?corr-literal, $pattern-set?anchored)
let $regex-flags := if ($pattern-set?case-sensitive) then "" else "i"
(: Find any cases matching the known OCR errors :)
let $sics := local:find-matches($words, $sic-regex, $regex-flags)
if (exists($sics)) then
(: Find any cases matching the known correct versions :)
let $corrs := local:find-matches($words, $corr-regex, $regex-flags)
if (exists($corrs)) then
(: Compare every sic to every corr :)
for $sic in $sics, $corr in $corrs
let $sic-groups := $sic?match/fn:group
let $corr-groups := $corr?match/fn:group
(: Only compare if the OCR error occurs in the same place in the word :)
(: This is currently naive - stripping out all of the literals :)
if (count($sic-groups) eq count($corr-groups)) then
let $sic-segs := $sic-groups[. ne $pattern-set?sic-literal]/string()
let $corr-segs := $corr-groups[. ne $pattern-set?corr-literal]/string()
(: Do the non-error portions of the two words match? :)
let $segs-align :=
function($sic-seg, $corr-seg) {
$sic-seg eq $corr-seg
(: The first two conditions here are the result of the naive approach described above :)
if (exists($sic-segs) and exists($corr-segs) and (every $seg-align in $segs-align satisfies $seg-align)) then
map {
"sic": $sic?word,
"corr": $corr?word
(: Define the text here or reference an external document :)
let $text :=
"United Slates? of America United States: of America slates Mexico!
Mexiro. France) Prance day clay; down clown date elate*"
(: Note: in BaseX, enter `SET XINCLUDE false` in the command window to ignore the XInclude in the FRUS vol :)
doc("")//tei:text//text() => string-join(" ")
(: Split the text into words :)
let $words :=
=> tokenize()
(: strip off trailing punctuation :)
=> for-each( function($item) { replace($item, "\p{P}+$", "") } )
=> distinct-values()
(: Attempt to find matches :)
let $attempts :=
for $pattern-set in $local:pattern-sets
map {
(: optionally return the original pattern set :)
(: "pattern-set": $pattern-set, :)
"results": array { local:check-words($words, $pattern-set) }
(: Filter out attempts that returned no results :)
(: Note: on eXist 5.2, comment out the predicate; see :)
let $candidates := $attempts[array:size(?results) gt 0]
map {
"distinct-word-count": count($words),
"pattern-match-count": count($candidates?results?*),
"candidates": array {
(: Display just the result pairs, sorted alphabetically :)
=> sort((), function($match) { ($match?sic, $match?corr) ! lower-case(.) })
"distinct-word-count": 16,
"pattern-match-count": 6,
"candidates": [
"corr": "day",
"sic": "clay"
"corr": "down",
"sic": "clown"
"corr": "date",
"sic": "elate"
"corr": "Mexico",
"sic": "Mexiro"
"corr": "France",
"sic": "Prance"
"corr": "States",
"sic": "Slates"
"distinct-word-count": 10357,
"pattern-match-count": 5,
"candidates": [
"corr": "day",
"sic": "clay"
"corr": "dear",
"sic": "clear"
"corr": "date",
"sic": "elate"
"corr": "France",
"sic": "Prance"
"corr": "States",
"sic": "Slates"
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