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Last active February 18, 2018 16:06
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Classify Photos and Movies Downloaded from Android Phone into nested directories by Year, Month and Day
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "fileutils"
require "rake"
ROOT = File.expand_path(ARGV[0] || ".", Dir.pwd)
\/ # The whole file name
(IMG|VID) # starts with an image or film indicator.
_ # An underscore is followed by
(?<year>\d{4}) # year,
(?<month>\d{2}) # month,
(?<day>\d{2}) # and day.
_ # Another underscore is followed by
(?<time>[^\.]+) # time
(?<extension>\w+) # An extension
$ # completes the name.
puts "Scanning for files in #{ROOT}"
# Classify photo and film files
glob = File.join(ROOT, "*.{jpg,mp4}")
Dir.glob(glob, base: ROOT)
file_list =
file_list.each do |file|
m = file.match(ANDROID_MATCH)
next if !m
destination_directory = File.join(ROOT, m[:year], m[:year] + m[:month], m[:year] + m[:month] + m[:day])
destination_file = m[:time] + "." + m[:extension].downcase
puts "#{file} -> #{File.join(destination_directory, destination_file)}"
mkdir_p destination_directory
mv file, File.join(destination_directory, destination_file)
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