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Last active October 18, 2022 10:16
ZKill advanced search summary table
const tableId = `summary-table`;
const billion = 1000000000;
const million = 1000000;
const thousand = 1000;
function shortIskToNum(strIsk) {
if (strIsk[strIsk.length - 1] === 'k') {
return Math.floor(parseFloat(strIsk.slice(0, -1)) * thousand);
} else if (strIsk[strIsk.length - 1] === 'm') {
return Math.floor(parseFloat(strIsk.slice(0, -1)) * million);
} else if (strIsk[strIsk.length - 1] === 'b') {
return Math.floor(parseFloat(strIsk.slice(0, -1)) * billion);
} else
return 1000;
// who cares, it's either hundreds or trillions
function numToShortIsk(num) {
if (num > billion) {
return (num / billion).toFixed(2) + 'b';
if (num > million) {
return (num / million).toFixed(2) + 'm';
if (num > thousand) {
return (num / thousand).toFixed(2) + 'k';
return num;
function parseTime(str) {
const date = new Date();
let parts = str.split(':');
return date;
function genTable() {
const rows = document.querySelectorAll('.killListRow');
let endTime, startTimeStr;
const aggregate = Array.from(rows).reduce((ac,row,i)=>{
const [time,isk] = row.children[0].textContent.split('\n').filter(x=>x);
if (i === 0)
endTime = parseTime(time);
startTimeStr = time;
const system = row.children[2].querySelector('a').textContent;
if (ac[system]) {
ac[system].kills += 1;
ac[system].totalIsk += shortIskToNum(isk);
} else {
ac[system] = {
kills: 1,
totalIsk: shortIskToNum(isk)
return ac;
, {});
const startTime = parseTime(startTimeStr);
console.log((endTime - startTime).toString());
const diff = new Date(endTime - startTime)
let results = Object.entries(aggregate).map(([system,details])=>({
kills: details.kills,
totalIsk: details.totalIsk
results.sort((a,b)=>b.kills - a.kills);
results = results.slice(0, 10);
let container = document.getElementById(tableId);
if (!container) {
container = document.createElement('div'); = tableId;
document.getElementById('killmails-result').insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', container);
container.innerHTML = `<h4>Kills during the last ${diff.getUTCHours()} hour and ${diff.getUTCMinutes()} minutes</h4>
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-hover">
<th>Total Isk</th>
console.log('table generated');
function debounce(cb, timeout) {
let timeoutId;
return ()=>{
timeoutId = setTimeout(cb, timeout);
const debouncedTable = debounce(genTable, 1000);
const targetNode = document.getElementById('killmails-result');
const callback = (mutationList,observer)=>{
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(targetNode, {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true
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