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Last active April 8, 2022 15:14
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  • Save joeyguerra/7740007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joeyguerra/7740007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. microdata parser in Javascript for the client side.
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without jQuery.
var Schema = (function(doc){
function getTypes(node){
var type = node.getAttribute('itemtype');
if(!type) return [];
return type.split(' ');
function getValue(node){
if(node.getAttribute('itemprop') === null) return null;
case 'meta':
return node.getAttribute('content') || '';
case 'audio':
case 'embed':
case 'iframe':
case 'img':
case 'source':
case 'track':
case 'video':
return node.getAttribute('src');
case 'a':
case 'area':
case 'link':
return node.getAttribute('href');
case 'object':
return node.getAttribute('data');
case 'data':
return node.getAttribute('value') || '';
case 'time':
return node.getAttribute('datetime');
return node.innerHTML;
return {
toObject: function(node, memory){
var result = {properties: {}};
result.type = getTypes(node);
var itemid = node.getAttribute('itemid');
if(itemid) = itemid;
var properties = node.querySelectorAll('[itemprop]');
for(var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++){
var value = null;
var item = properties[i];
var key = item.getAttribute('itemprop');
if(item.getAttribute('itemscope') !== null){
if(memory.indexOf(item) !== -1){
value = 'ERROR';
value = this.toObject(item, memory);
value = getValue(item);
}[key] = value;
return result;
, scopes: function(nodes){
if(!nodes) nodes = doc.querySelectorAll('[itemscope]:not([itemprop])');
var scopes = [];
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
var scope = nodes[i];
scopes.push(this.toObject(scope, []));
return scopes;
win.Schema = Schema;
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Doesn't work with nested scopes:

<html itemscope itemtype="" class="no-js" lang="nl">
    <meta itemprop="name" content="Some article name">
    <div itemscope itemtype="">
      <span itemprop="name">Skyfall</span>

The article name is detected as Skyfall, not Some article name.

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Yeah, good catch. Would probably require a different design for the scopes function.

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