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Created March 28, 2012 04:42
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Save joeytrapp/2223683 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CoffeeScript: PhantomJS Jasmine Scrapper
# Exit early if users don't pass at least 1 argument
if phantom.args.length < 1
console.log "Usage: phantomjs URL [timeout]"
# Collect the passed int args or set to default value
url = phantom.args[0]
timeout = phantom.args[1] or 6000
# Create the page object to load the test page in
page = new WebPage()
# Start the timer for the test
testStart = new Date().getTime()
# This method will use the test method to see if the page is ready to be scrapped
# and then call the scrapper function
defer = (test, scrapper) ->
start = new Date().getTime()
condition = false
func = ->
if (new Date().getTime() - start < timeout and not condition)
condition = test()
if not condition
console.log "Timeout passed before the jasmine .finished-at element was set"
time = new Date().getTime() - start
clearInterval interval
interval = setInterval func, 100
# Open the passed in url url, (status) ->
phantom.exit() if status != "success"
# The method used to test if the page is ready to be scrapped
test = ->
page.evaluate ->
return document.querySelector ".banner .duration"
# Method called to scrap the test page and output the content to the console
scrapper = ->
all = page.evaluate ->
specs = document.querySelectorAll ".specSummary"
spec.getAttribute("class").search(/failed/) is -1 for spec in specs
list = page.evaluate ->
allFails = []
failures = document.querySelectorAll ".specDetail.failed"
for fail in failures
obj =
assertion: fail.querySelector(".description").innerText
messages: []
messages = []
msgs = fail.querySelectorAll ""
obj.messages.push msg.innerText for msg in msgs
allFails.push obj
time = page.evaluate ->
document.querySelector(".banner .duration").innerText
time = time.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + time.slice(1)
time = "\033[0;32m#{time}ms\033[0;37m" if time < 500
time = "\033[0;33m#{time}ms\033[0;37m" if time >= 500 and time < 1000
time = "\033[0;31m#{time}ms\033[0;37m" if time >= 1000
fails = 0
# Outputs a '.' or 'F' for each test
console.log all.reduce((str, a) ->
fails += 1 unless a
str += if (a) then "\033[0;32m.\033[0;37m" else "\033[0;31mF\033[0;37m"
, "")
console.log ""
# If the list of failures is not empty output the failure messages
if list.length
console.log "Failures:"
console.log ""
msgSpacer = " "
i = 1
for fail in list
spacer = " " + i + ") "
console.log spacer + fail.assertion
for message in fail.messages
subspacer = ""
for i in [1..spacer.length]
subspacer += " "
console.log subspacer + "\033[0;31m#{message}\033[0;37m"
i += 1
console.log ""
console.log "#{time}."
if fails == 0
console.log "\033[0;32m#{all.length} examples, #{fails} failures\033[0;37m"
console.log "\033[0;31m#{all.length} examples, #{fails} failures\033[0;37m"
# Call the defer method passing in the test and scrapper methods
defer test, scrapper
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