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Created November 25, 2014 23:09
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jQuery plugin for drawing an SVG line while scrolling.
jQuery plugin for drawing a svg line as you scroll.
@author Johan Brook, for Lookback (2014).
startAt: The reference point to start calculating from. Expects a selector.
speed: at which speed the line should draw.
offset: the offset of which the reference point should be.
$.fn.scrollStroke = function(options) {
var defaults = {
startAt: document,
speed: 400,
offset: 0
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options)
var hideLine = function(line) { = [ 0, line.getTotalLength()].join(' ')
var drawLine = function(line, reference, speed) {
var pathLength = line.getTotalLength(),
percentDone = reference / speed,
length = percentDone * pathLength
if(percentDone > 1) return = [ length, pathLength ].join(' ')
return this.each(function() {
var line = this
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var startAt = $(options.startAt).offset().top,
reference = $(window).scrollTop() - startAt + options.offset
// Hide line completely
if(reference < 0) {
drawLine(line, reference, options.speed)
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Hello. Can you tell me how to implement this plugin, please?

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