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Forked from henrik/
Created April 18, 2014 19:57
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describe "Using a fake server for Ajax", ->
server = null
beforeEach -> server = sinon.fakeServer.create()
afterEach -> server.restore()
context "when Ajax succeeds", ->
beforeEach -> respondWithJSON("/url/123", 200, '{"city": "Palm Springs"}')
it "does stuff", ->
context "when Ajax fails", ->
beforeEach -> respondWithJSON("/url/123", 404)
it "does stuff", ->
respondWithJSON = (url, status, body) ->
[status, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, (body || "")]
assertThereWereNoAjaxRequests = ->
expectToAlert = (cb) ->
fakeAlert = sinon.stub(window, "alert")
assert fakeAlert.calledOnce, "Expected alert."
# jQuery ":focus" didn't work for some reason.
assertFocused = ($element) ->
# Debug.
window.showHtml = ->
console.log "-----"
console.log $(document.body).html()
console.log "-----"
# FIXME: Not sure if this is a good pattern. Would be more unit-y to decouple tests from the ready event.
# Wrap jQuery.ready so we can trigger it in
# our mocha tests, which replace the body after
# the original ready event.
window.domReadyFunctions = []
window.fakeDomReady = ->
fn() for fn in domReadyFunctions
$.fn.oldReady = $.fn.ready
$.fn.ready = (fn) ->
domReadyFunctions.push(fn) if fn
$.fn.oldReady.apply(this, arguments)
# Similar to RSpec's "let".
# TODO: Make it more similar.
describe "Foo", ->
$thing = undefined
beforeEach ->
$thing = $("#thing")
it "works", ->
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