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Created April 9, 2022 22:34
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Simple Zipper-based Syndication XML Extractor to navigate the "What's New?" AWS Feed.
(ns user
"Simple Syndication XML Extractor to navigate the available AWS Feed."
(:require [ :as xml]
[ :as io]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as z]))
(def aws-feed-url "")
(def feed-xml
(xml/parse (io/reader aws-feed-url)))
(defn items-level-loc
"Return `loc` where article items start in the XML."
{:pre [(instance? xml-root)]}
(-> (z/xml-zip xml-root)
(defn xml->clj
"Converts parsed XML Element to Clojure coll."
{:pre [(instance? xml-root)]}
(loop [loc (items-level-loc xml-root)
items []]
(cond (nil? (z/right loc))
(let [{:keys [tag content]} (z/node (z/right loc))
(when (= :item tag)
{tag (->> content
(map (juxt :tag :content))
(map (fn [[t c]]
(cond (= :category t)
[t (into #{} (str/split (first c) #","))]
[t (first c)])))
(into {}))})]
(recur (z/right loc)
(if-not item items (conj items item)))))))
(defn all-categories
"Returns a list of all the extracted categories in the syndication feed."
(->> items
(mapcat (comp :category :item))
(defn select-categories
"Return items matching category predicate."
[category-p items]
(->> items
(filter (comp category-p :category :item))))
(defn from-item
"Predicate fn/key to extract from an `item`."
(comp pred :item))
;; List all the categories available from the feed.
(->> feed-xml
;; Print out the items containing the specified category.
;; Output limited fields.
(->> feed-xml
(select-categories #(contains? % "general:products/aws-lambda"))
#_(map (from-item #(select-keys % [:pubDate :title :category])))
(map (from-item (juxt :pubDate :category :title)))
(map pprint))
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