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Created December 12, 2019 17:28
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Lazy
import Data.Array ((:))
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Lens.Grate
import Data.Lens
import Data.Pair
import Data.Tuple
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log, logShow)
import Data.Pair
data Stream a = Cons a (Unit -> Stream a)
instance functorStream :: Functor Stream where
map f (Cons x k) = Cons (f x) (map f <<< k)
instance extendStream :: Extend Stream where
extend f w = Cons (f w) (\_ -> extend f (tail w))
instance comonadStream :: Comonad Stream where
extract = head
instance distributiveStream :: Distributive Stream where
distribute w = Cons (map extract w) (\_ -> distribute (map tail w))
collect f = distribute <<< map f
data Tape a = Tape { viewL :: Stream a
, focus :: a
, viewR :: Stream a
instance functorTape :: Functor Tape
instance extendTape :: Extend Tape
instance comonadTape :: Comonad Tape where
extract = focus
unfold :: (c -> Tuple a c) -- leftwards unfolding function
-> (c -> a) -- function from seed to focus value
-> (c -> Tuple a c) -- rightwards unfolding function
-> c -- seed
-> Tape a
unfold prev center next seed =
Tape (Stream.unfold prev seed)
(center seed)
(Stream.unfold next seed)
instance distributiveTape :: Distributive Tape where
distribute =
unfold (fmap (extract . moveL) &&& fmap moveL)
(fmap extract)
(fmap (extract . moveR) &&& fmap moveR)
iota :: Stream Int
iota = Cons 1 \_ -> map (_ + 1) iota
iota2 :: Stream (Pair Int)
iota2 = Cons (Pair 1 2) \_ -> map (\(Pair x y) -> Pair (x + 2) (y + 2)) iota2
repeat :: Int -> Stream Int
repeat x = Cons x \_ -> repeat x
head :: forall a. Stream a -> a
head (Cons x xs) = x
tail :: forall a. Stream a -> Stream a
tail (Cons x xs) = xs unit
take :: forall a. Int -> Stream a -> Array a
take 0 xs = []
take n (Cons x xs) = x : take (n - 1) (xs unit)
aGraterExample :: forall a. Grate (Stream a) (Stream Int) a Int
aGraterExample = grate \f -> repeat (f head)
summing :: Pair Int -> Pair Int -> Pair Int
summing = zipWithOf (cotraversed) (+)
summing' :: Stream Int -> Stream Int -> Stream Int
-- summing' = zipWithOf (cloneGrate aGraterExample) (+)
summing' = zipWithOf cotraversed (+)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log $ show $ take 5 $ iota
logShow (take 5 $ zipWithOf (cotraversed <<< cotraversed) (+) iota2 iota2)
logShow (zipWithOf cotraversed (+) (Pair 1 2) (Pair 3 4))
-- logShow (take 5 $ over summing' (_+2) iota iota)
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