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Created August 28, 2022 12:06
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Vector is to Tensor as Tensor is to ...
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric.Fin -- from
type Vector (n :: Nat) = (->) (Fin n)
type Tensor (ns :: [Nat]) = (->) (Rec Fin ns)
type Tequilensor (ns :: [[Nat]]) a = Rec (Rec Fin) ns -> a
type Fun = (->)
type Funs ns = (->) (Rec Identity ns)
data Rec (f :: i -> Type) (xs :: [i]) where
Nil :: Rec f '[]
Cons :: f a -> Rec f as -> Rec f (a ': as)
xs :: Vector 2 Int
xs FZ = 11
xs (FS FZ) = 22
ys :: Tensor [2,3] Int
ys (Cons FZ (Cons FZ Nil)) = 11 -- [0,0]
ys (Cons FZ (Cons (FS FZ) Nil)) = 22 -- [0,1]
ys (Cons FZ (Cons (FS (FS FZ)) Nil)) = 33 -- [0,2]
ys (Cons (FS FZ) (Cons (FS (FS (FS FZ))) Nil)) = 44 -- [1,0]
ys (Cons (FS FZ) (Cons (FS (FS (FS (FS FZ)))) Nil)) = 55 -- [1,1]
ys (Cons (FS FZ) (Cons (FS (FS (FS (FS (FS FZ))))) Nil)) = 66 -- [1,2]
zs :: Tequilensor [[2,3],[1,2]] Int
zs (Cons (Cons FZ (Cons FZ Nil)) (Cons (Cons FZ (Cons FZ Nil)) Nil)) = 11
-- etc.
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