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I may be quite slow to respond.

Johann Richard johannrichard

I may be quite slow to respond.
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johannrichard / .releaserc.yaml
Last active January 2, 2025 14:29
Obsidian Plugin: `semantic-release` boilerplate config
# Boilerplate semantic-release configuration for an Obsidian plugin
# run semantic-release as follows to release a new version of your plugin:
# dry-run (default): npx -p github:brianrodri/semantic-release-obsidian-plugin semantic-release
# for real: npx -p github:brianrodri/semantic-release-obsidian-plugin semantic-release --dry-run false
# If `package.json` has a `repository` key configured, but you want to work on, say, a fork or development version on your own
# repository / user, you might have to specify the `repositoryUrl`:
# - either as a command-line argument (e.g. -r <url>) or by uncommenting and modifying the following line:
# repositoryUrl:<user>/<repository>
- main
johannrichard / worker.js
Created September 1, 2024 14:00
Cloudflare Worker for Alias Generation and Management
* Cloudflare Worker for Alias Generation and Management
* This script enables the generation and management of email aliases using the SimpleLogin API. It is designed to check existing email aliases associated with a specific domain and create new custom aliases when necessary.
* Core Functionalities:
* - Queries existing email aliases linked to a given domain, using the SimpleLogin API.
* - Employs pagination to handle retrieval of aliases, allowing up to 20 aliases per page.
* - Utilizes regular expressions to identify domains in both `note` and `latest_activity` fields of aliases.
* - Supports the creation of new custom aliases, with options to specify a hostname and additional attributes like `note` and `name`.
{#- Frontmatter Template - also called *Properties* in Obsidian -#}
id: {{ id }}
created: {{ updated }}
{# For fields like title and aliases, remove linebreaks and either add spaces (title, alias) or create multiple list entries (author) #}
title: "{{ title | replace('\n', ' ')}}"
aliases: ["{{ title | replace('\n', ' ') }}"{%- if sanitized_title %}, "{{sanitized_title}}"{%- endif %}]
author: ["{{ author | replace('\n', '", "')}}"]
category: "{{ category }}"
highlights: {{ num_highlights }}
johannrichard / Copy WikiLinks.js
Last active August 4, 2024 13:14
Obsidian User Plugins
johannrichard /
Last active September 4, 2022 10:19
Tailscale ACL GitOps Workflow

Tailscale ACL Workflow for GitOps

Tailscale recently introduced the possibility to manage Tailnet ACLs in Git Repositories. This is my tailscale.yml which has a notable difference to the one proposed by Tailscale. By putting the ACL test in front of the ACL deployment, it becomes a bit clearer that a failure happened b/c of a failed ACL.

Bonus: by installing act, one can actually run these tests locally, e.g. before committing / pushing to Github. Works well with a Git pre-commit hook that will fail if the ACL test is unsusscessful. Combined with the 1Password cli op command, you can get a nice little ACL workflow.

op run --env-file=".github/act/.env" -- act --secret TS_API_KEY --secret TS_TAILNET 
johannrichard /
Last active July 17, 2023 21:27
E-Mail Retention Policies for Gmail

How to bring E-Mail retention policies to Gmail / Google Mail:

  • Go to Google Scripts and create a blank project (make sure you are logged into your Google account);
  • paste the code (below) (and modify the policies as needed);
  • set a trigger (Resources -> Current Project's Triggers -> Add one now) to run it at the preferred interval; and
  • create filters in Gmail/Google Mail that set policies when specific messages arrive

Inspired and adapted from Gmail Automation: 5 Useful Google Scripts to Automate Your Gmail

johannrichard / dm-toilet-paper.js
Created October 26, 2020 19:30 — forked from marco79cgn/dm-toilet-paper.js
Scriptable iOS widget that shows the amount of toilet paper which is available at your next dm drugstore
let country = 'de' // replace with 'at' for shops in Austria
let storeId = 251
let param = args.widgetParameter
if (param != null && param.length > 0) {
storeId = param
const widget = new ListWidget()
const storeInfo = await fetchStoreInformation()
const storeCapacity = await fetchAmountOfPaper()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
johannrichard / unbound-safe-search.conf
Last active July 9, 2024 08:43
Unbound DNS Safe Search config entries
# Safe Search Domains
# Paste / Add this to your Unbound config
local-data: " A"
local-data: " A"
local-data: " A"
local-data: " A"
local-data: " A"
local-data: " A"
local-data: " A"
local-data: " A"
johannrichard / asn.js
Last active November 20, 2021 15:11
Serverless Worker Function for ASN prefix parsing for OPNsense and pfSense
* Worker Function for ASN prefix parsing
* Will query the BigIP API for a given ASN and return a plain-text representation of the ASN prefixes
* (IP ranges) that can be used in either OPNsense or pfSense URL Tables (Firewall alias).
* See (OPNsense) and (pfSense) for details of their use.
* You can deploy this worker for example on the free tier of CloudFlare (Up to 100'000 requests a day) or
* any other serverless platform that supports JavaScript