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include 'C:\Program Files\OSGEO\mapguide\www\mapadmin/constants.php';
$locale = "en"; // localizable string
$errorMsg = "";
// Initialize web tier with the site configuration file. The config
<link rel="import" href="../core-scaffold/core-scaffold.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-header-panel/core-header-panel.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-menu/core-menu.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-item/core-item.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon-button/core-icon-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-toolbar/core-toolbar.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-menu/core-submenu.html">
<polymer-element name="my-element">
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start <- as.Date("2014-01-01")
end <- as.Date("2017-01-01")
range <- as.numeric(end - start)
m <- matrix(,nrow=range, ncol = 11)
for (i in 1:11)
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ncols 33
nrows 42
xllcorner -2.000000000000
yllcorner -2.000000000000
cellsize 5.000000000000
NODATA_value -99999
51.421504974365234 54.394893646240234 57.180095672607422 59.777107238769531 62.185928344726563 64.406562805175781 66.439002990722656 68.28326416015625 69.939323425292969 71.407203674316406 72.6868896484375 73.778388977050781 74.681694030761719 75.396812438964844 75.923744201660156 76.262481689453125 76.413040161132813 76.375396728515625 76.149574279785156 75.735557556152344 75.133346557617188 74.34295654296875 73.364372253417969 72.197601318359375 70.842636108398438 69.299484252929688 67.568145751953125 65.648612976074219 63.5408935546875 61.244983673095703 58.760887145996094 56.088600158691406 53.228122711181641
53.698223114013672 56.671615600585938 59.456813812255859 62.053825378417969 64.462646484375 66.683280944824219 68.715728759765625 70.559982299804687 72.216049194335937 73.683921813964844 74.963607788085938 76.055107116699219 76.958412170410156 77.673538208007812
johanvdw /
Last active January 13, 2017 23:14
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Small script to convert a worldfile from an image to a bounding box
# json which can be consumed by c3nav ( )
# Conversion of worldfile to bounding box based on
# (but corrected)
# To create a worldfile for an image, you can use the "Georeferencer GDAL"
# plugin from QGis. This requires you to choose 3 or more control points.
# In the plugin settings choose "use worldfile, linear transformation only".
# Prior to doing so you can load the existing buildings/rooms/... as reference
johanvdw / fit_decay.R
Last active June 14, 2017 11:30
Fit an exponential decay without initial guessing
# Function to fit an exponential decay without initial guessing
# Based on
# Original source:
# Regressions et Equations integrales, Jean Jacquelin
# Converted to R by Johan Van de Wauw
fit_decay <- function(x, y)
n= length(x)
johanvdw / niche_verkenning_stap1.ipynb
Last active September 12, 2017 08:17 — forked from stijnvanhoey/niche_verkenning_stap1.ipynb
Explorative check of the first step of NICHE implementation
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johanvdw / classification-method.ipynb
Created September 13, 2017 10:19
Determine best classification method
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