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Created October 22, 2019 18:03
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set nru
set incsearch
set clipboard=unnamedplus,unnamed
let mapleader = ","
" Mappings are made of action group prefix - action
" Find
nmap <Leader>f :action Find<CR> " default IDEA search
nmap <Leader>ff :action FindModal<CR>
nmap <Leader>fr :action Replace<CR>
nmap <Leader>fR :action ReplaceInPath<CR>
nmap <Leader>fu :action FindUsages<CR>
nmap <Leader>fw :action FindWordAtCaret<CR>
" Goto
nmap <Leader>gd :action GotoDeclaration<CR>
nmap <Leader>gf :action GotoFile<CR>
nmap <Leader>gc :action GotoClass<CR>
nmap <Leader>gs :action GotoSymbol<CR>
nmap <Leader>gr :action GotoRelated<CR>
" Tabs/Panels
" New
" Open
" Git
" Tabs/Panels
" move around
nmap <leader>h <c-w>h
nmap <leader>l <c-w>l
nmap <leader>k <c-w>k
nmap <leader>j <c-w>j
" Refactoring
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