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Created June 23, 2016 17:17
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Programming task
The following is an implementation of a simple Named Entity Recognition (NER).
NER is concerned with identifying place names, people names or other special
identifiers in text.
Here we make a very simple definition of a named entity: A sequence of
at least two consecutive capitalized words. E.g. "Los Angeles" is a named
entity, "our hotel" is not.
While the implementation passes the Unit test, it suffers from bad structure and
readability. It is your task to rework *both* the implementation and the Unit
test. You are expected to come up with a better interface than the one presented
Your code will be evaluated on:
- Readability: Is naming intuitive? Are there comments where necessary?
- Structure: Is functionality grouped into functions or classes in a way that
enables reusability?
- Testability: Is it easy to test individual components of your algorithm? This
is a good indicator of good interface design.
- Bonus: Functional programming. Demonstrate how you have applied principles of
functional programming to improve this code.
If you want, explain reasons for changes you've made in comments.
Note that you don't have to improve the actual Named Entity Recognition
algorithm itself - the focus is on code quality.
import re
import unittest
# COMMENT: I removed the buffer as I did not think having the buffer within the
# global environment was needed.
# COMMENT: I also removed the other two functions renamed them and placed them
# within new functions. I did this to make editing the functions and the
# actions of the functions easier, portable, and reproduiable.
def split_word_set(text):
Check to see if there were any words remaining in the text if not, asign
None values to each of the returned strings, otherwise assign the first word
to the first index of the tuple and the remaing text to the second part of
text : str
A string with words.
Tuple (first_word, remaining_text)
A tuple with the first word and remaining words seperated.
# Regular expression for matching a token at the beginning of a sentence
split_first_word = re.compile(r"([a-z]+)\s*(.*)$", re.I)
# Split the first word off the sentence.
split_words = split_first_word.match(text)
# Check if there was anything in the input string.
if split_words is None:
first_word = None
remaining_text = None
# the first word of the text is added to this object
first_word =
# the remaining text is added to the second returned object
remaining_text =
# return the first word and the remianing text as a tuple
return first_word, remaining_text
def is_name_long_enough(word_list, desired_length=2):
This function takes a list and compares the length of the list to the desired
length via the desired_length argument.
word_list : list
A list. It should contain strings, but there are no check in that regard.
desired_length : int
An integer specifying the minimum consequective words with capitals is a
name entity.
boolean, is the list long enough.
# set the default return value to False
is_long_enough = False
# check the length of the list is greater or equal to the desired length
if len(word_list) >= desired_length:
is_long_enough = True
return is_long_enough
def is_capitalised(word):
This function checks if the first letter of a string is capitalised.
word : str
A word to be
desired_length : int
An integer specifying the minimum consequective words with capitals is a
name entity.
boolean, is the word capitalised.
# Regular expression to recognize an uppercase token
uppercase_re = re.compile(r"[A-Z][a-z]*$")
# return the result as a boolean
capitalised = bool(uppercase_re.match(word))
return capitalised
def find_all_name_entities(text, desired_length=2):
This function returns a Set with all matching
sequential words with capital letters that are as long or longer
than the `desired_length`
text : str
A string of words.
desired_length : int
An integer specifying the minimum consequective words with capitals is a
name entity.
This is a set with all matching name entities.
# Create a set for storing named entities
name_enitity_set = set()
# Create a list to store the words with capitals.
possible_name_enitity = []
# Split the first word from the inputted text.
first_word, remaining_words = split_word_set(text)
# move across the inputted text from left to right using a while loop.
while first_word is not None:
# Check if the first_word of the remaining text is capitalised
if is_capitalised(first_word):
# Add it to the possible name list
# if the word is lowercase than check if what is stored in the
# possible_name_enitity list meets the requirements of the desired_length
if is_name_long_enough(possible_name_enitity, desired_length):
# Join the words with a white space and add them to the result Set
name_enitity_set.add(" ".join(possible_name_enitity))
# Reset the possible name enitity list as it was not long enough.
possible_name_enitity = []
# Get the next word from the remaining_words for the next iteration.
first_word, remaining_words = split_word_set(remaining_words)
# Perform a final check on the outside of the while loop.
if len(possible_name_enitity) >= desired_length:
name_enitity_set.add(" ".join(possible_name_enitity))
# return the result set.
return name_enitity_set
class NamedEntityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ner_extraction(self):
# Remember to change this Unit test as well to follow the interface
# changes you propose above
text = "When we went to Los Angeles last year we visited the Hollywood Sign"
# COMMENT: I removed the previous code that was here, as it should not have
# been within a test function.
entities = find_all_name_entities(text, desired_length=2)
self.assertEqual(set(["Los Angeles", "Hollywood Sign"]), entities)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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