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Created February 7, 2013 17:29
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Save johnbhartley/4732592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The script used to grab Twitter JSON from the API and output into list items. Also includes a sexy loading gif.
var twitter_api_url = '';
var twitter_user = 'onebeatchannel';
cache: true
twitter_api_url + '?callback=?&rpp=3&q=from:' + twitter_user,
function(data) {
$.each(data.results, function(i, tweet) {
if(tweet.text !== undefined) {
var date_tweet = new Date(tweet.created_at);
var date_now = new Date();
var date_diff = date_now - date_tweet;
var hours = Math.round(date_diff/(1000*60*60));
var tweet_html = '<li>';
tweet_html += tweet.text;
tweet_html += '<div class="tweet_hours">';
tweet_html += '<a href="';
tweet_html += twitter_user + '/status/' + + '">' + hours;
tweet_html += ' hours ago<\/a><\/li>';
$('#loadingmessage').hide(); // hide the loading message
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