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Created October 28, 2014 14:41
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XML push to PopCard
function submit_contact_reserve_lead($entry){
$date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i');
$baseURL = '';
$xmlRequest = '
<traffic contactdatetime="' . $date . ':00" transactiondatetime="' . $date . ':00">
<emailaddress>[email protected]</emailaddress>
<propertyname>The Laurel</propertyname>
<firstname>' . $entry['1.3'] . '</firstname>
<lastname>' . $entry['1.6'] . '</lastname>
<otherphone>' . $entry['3'] . '</otherphone>
<emailaddress>' . $entry['2'] . '</emailaddress>
<comments>Interested in: ' . $entry['4'] . '<br> How can we help you: ' . $entry['5'] . '</comments>
$xmlRequest = preg_replace( "/\r|\n/", "", $xmlRequest );
$string = trim($xmlRequest);
$result = curl_get( $baseURL . urlencode($string));
error_log('| Contact/Reserve Submission for ' . $entry['1.3'].' - ' . $entry['1.6']);
error_log($baseURL . urlencode($string));
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