Datatypes in the Formality programming language are built out of an unusual
structure: the self-type. Roughly speaking, a self-type is a type that can
depend or be a proposition on it's own value. For instance, the consider the
2 constructor datatype Bool
T Bool
| true
| false
This corresponds to the Haskell datatype
data Bool = True | False
However, in Formality, the above T
datatype syntax is not primitive, but is
desugared to the following Formality-Core expressions:
Bool: Type
bool(P: Bool -> Type) ->
(true : P(Bool.true)) ->
(false : P(Bool.false)) ->
Bool.true: Bool
(P) (t) (f) t
Bool.false: Bool
(P) (t) (f) f
Actually the real Formality-Core differs very slightly from this due to runtime erasure, but for the purposes of this explantion that can be ignored.
Formality-Core is a very simple, but surprisingly expressive language. In the above definition of Bool, the following constructors are used
- Dependent function type:
(x: A) -> B(a)
- Lambda:
(x) b
- Application
- Reference: any name, such as
, that is not bound by a dependent function or a lambda refers to a top-level exprssion.
The difference between an ordinary function type and a dependent function type is that the former must always return the same type, whereas the latter can return values of different types depending on the input value.
For example:
elim_bool.type: Bool -> Type
(bool) bool(() Type)(Unit)(String)
elim_bool: (bool: Bool) -> elim_bool.type(bool)
(bool) bool((b) elim_bool.type(b))("a string")
In the above elim_bool(Bool.true)
would return :: Unit
, whereas
would return "a string" :: String
and ::
are both
type annotations).
To understand the definition of Bool
in Formality-Core, we first
have to understand the notion of dependent elimination. In Haskell, ordinary
non-dependent elimination is a case expression:
caseBool :: Bool -> String
caseBool bool = case bool of
True -> "The True case"
False -> "The False case"
"Elimination" here means that we eliminated the input type by transforming it
into some other type. The elim_bool
Formality-Core function is an example of
dependent elimination because the we transformed the Bool
into different
types Unit
and String
for different cases.
caseBool :: Bool -> String
caseBool bool = case bool of
True -> "The True case"
False -> "The False case"
In the Idris programming language, which is similar to Haskell but has dependent types, we could write
data Bool = True | False
elimBool : (b : Bool) -> (elimBoolType b)
elimbool bool = case bool of
True => ()
False => "a string"
elimBoolType : Bool -> Type
elimBoolType bool = case bool of
True => ()
False => String
Notice how we have to have three separate definitions for the datatype, the dependent eliminator, and the type of the eliminator.
There's a redundancy here if you consider that in the pure untyped lambda calculus, you can encode the values of Bool as their own eliminators using the Church encoding
true = λx λy. x
false = λx λy. y
elimBool b = (b () "a string")
Here if you apply elimBool
to true
, you'll get the unit value, and if
you apply it to false
you'll get the string value. This can be convenient
in an untyped language, but it's a little unclear to see how we could assign
types to these expressions, if we wanted Church encodings without giving up
static types:
true : a -> b -> a
true = λx λy. x
false : a -> b -> b
false = λx λy. y
elimBool : ?
elimBool b = (b () "a string")
Since elimBool
has to describe the type of its input b
, we would have to
have a way to make a type that contains both a -> b -> a
and a -> b -> b
. (In
Haskell or Idris you could use an Either
type to due this, but then elimBool
would have to case
match on Either
. We're trying to encode datatypes as
eliminators so we don't need primitive case expressions.)
That's exactly what self-types do. They allow you to build a type that can be a -> b -> a
if you're trying to type true = λx λy. x
and a -> b -> b
you're trying to type false = λx λy. y
Let's look at the definition of Bool in Formality-Core again:
Bool: Type
bool(P: Bool -> Type) ->
(true : P(Bool.true)) ->
(false : P(Bool.false)) ->
Bool.true: Bool
(P) (t) (f) t
Bool.false: Bool
(P) (t) (f) f
The bool
name is the self-type, which can be thought of as an extension of
a dependent function to allow the output of the function to depend not only on
the input values, but also on the value of the term being typed.
is a dependent function with three inputs:
Another function
that takes aBool
value and returns aType
). Functions that take values of a type and returnType
are also called "propositions" (hence the nameP
) over that type. -
A value that is the type of proposition
A value that is the type of proposition
The value returned by Bool
is proposition P
over whatever the value of the
bool :: Bool
and Bool.false
are almost exactly the standard Church encodings
described above, but there's an additional argument P
(which actually gets
erased at runtime).
We can even just substitute the references directly inline in the type:
Bool: Type
bool(P: Bool -> Type) ->
(true : P((P) (t) (f) t) ->
(false : P((P) (t) (f) f) ->
Or we can substitute the type into the term level constructors:
true: bool(P: Bool -> Type) -> P((P) (t) (f) t) -> P((P) (t) (f) f) -> P(bool)
(P) (t) (f) t
false: bool(P: Bool -> Type) -> P((P) (t) (f) t) -> P((P) (t) (f) f) -> P(bool)
(P) (t) (f) f
This should help explain how the elim_bool
function we described above works:
elim_bool.type: Bool -> Type
(bool) bool(() Type)(Unit)(String)
elim_bool: (bool: Bool) -> elim_bool.type(bool)
bool((b) elim_bool.type(b))("a string")
In elim_bool.type
, P
is () Type
i.e. the constant function that throws
away its input and returns Type :: Type
. Then Unit :: Type
, so Unit :: P(Bool.false)
and String :: Type
so String :: P(Bool.true)
In elim_bool
, we depend on the the value of the bool, so our propositon P
(b) elim_bool.type(b)
And that's how self-types work in Formality. They allow us to create a type for all the dependent eliminators of a datatype, which then means we can encode the datatype itself as the type of its eliminators.
The self-type encodings described in the previous section are expressive, in many ways more expressive than the datatype primitives of other languages.
For example, the Bool
(here with erasure of arguments that do not appear at
runtime using the <>
syntax) type described in the previous section can be
extended into a family of encodings of simple sum or variant types:
-- simple variant type #0
-- T Empty
Empty: Type
empty<P: Empty -> Type> ->
-- simple variant type #1
-- T Unit
-- | unit
Unit : Type //prim//
unit<P: Unit -> Type> ->
(new: P( ->
P(unit) : Unit
<P> (unit) unit
-- simple variant type #2
-- T Bool
-- | true
-- | false
Bool: Type
bool<P: Bool -> Type> ->
(true : P(Bool.true)) ->
(false : P(Bool.false)) ->
Bool.true: Bool
<P> (t) (f) t
Bool.false: Bool
<P> (t) (f) f
-- simple variant type #3
-- T Trit
-- | yes
-- | unknown
-- | no
Trit: Type
trit<P: Trit -> Type> ->
(yes : P(Trit.yes)) ->
(unknown : P(Trit.unknown)) ->
(no : P( ->
Trit.yes: Trit
<P> (y) (u) (n) y
Trit.unknown: Trit
<P> (y) (u) (n) u Trit
<P> (y) (u) (n) n
We can start to see how we could make the 4th, 5th or nth simple variant type.
VariantN : Type
variantN<P: Variant_N -> Type> ->
(n_1 : P(VariantN.1)) ->
(n_n : P(VariantN.n)) ->
VariantN.1 : VariantN
<P> (x1) ... (xN) x1
VariantN.n : VariantN
<P> (x1) ... (xN) xN
Let's call this the Variant family of self-type encodings.
We can not only encode simple variants, but also abstract datatypes with product types (including recursively defined types):
-- Church encoded natural numbers
Nat: Type
nat<P: Nat -> Type> ->
(zero: P( ->
(succ: (pred: Nat) -> P(Nat.succ(pred))) ->
P(nat) Nat
<P> (z) (s) z
Nat.succ: Nat -> Nat
<P> (z) (s) s(n)
-- Church encoded lists
List: (A: Type) -> Type
list<P: (x: List(A)) -> Type> ->
(nil: P(List.nil<A>)) ->
(cons: (head: A) -> (tail: List(A)) -> P(List.cons<A>(head)(tail))) ->
List.cons: <A: Type> -> (head: A) -> (tail: List(A)) -> List(A)
<A> (head) (tail)
<P> (nil) (cons) cons(head)(tail)
List.nil: <A: Type> -> List(A)
<P> (nil) (cons) nil
Constructing a member of the Abstract family can be done by beginning with the nth member of the Variant family and adding:
type parameters- arguments to each constructor, where the
th constructor receiveski
arguments with
AbstractN : <T1 : Type> -> ... -> <Tt : Type> -> Type
abstractN<P: Abstract_N -> Type> ->
(absN.1 : (a1.1 : A1.1) -> ... -> (a1.k1: ->
(absN.n : (an.1 : An.1) -> ... -> ( ->
AbstractN.1 : <T1: Type> -> ... -> <Tt : Type> ->
(a1.1: A1.1) -> ... -> (a1.k1: A1.k1) ->
<T1> ... <Tt>
(a1.1) ... (a1.a1)
<P> (x1) ... (xN) x1(a1.1)...(1.a1)
AbstractN.n : <T1: Type> -> ... -> <Tt : Type> ->
(an.1: An.1) -> ... -> ( ->
<T1> ... <Tt>
(an.1) ... (
<P> (x1) ... (xN) x1(a1.1)...(
This starts to get very complicated, since within this family structure are all abstract datatypes that can be formed using sum types (which correspond to constructor variants) and product types (which correspond to constructor arguments).
However we can go further. The types of the constructors arguments in the Abstract family need not be constants, they can themselves depend on the constructor arguments and type parameters. This family corresponds to generalized algebraic datatypes (GADTs):
Subset: (A: Type) -> (B: A -> Type) -> Type
(A) (B)
subset<P: Subset(A)(B) -> Type> ->
(make: (a: A) -> <b: B(a)> -> P(Subset.make<A><B>(a)<b>)) ->
Subset.make: <A: Type> -> <B: A -> Type> -> (a: A) -> <b: B(a)> -> Subset(A)(B)
<A> <B> (a) <b>
<P> (subset)
For brevity, we will avoid writing out the ...
skeleton as before (since it
gets quite illegible), but to construct this family, begin with a member of the
famliy and add arguments to any of the
constructor argument
Self-type encodings can depend on the values of other self-types, in a process
called type-indexing. For example, this Word
type contains a type-level Nat
natural number describing how many bits the Word
contains. A Word(Nat.32)
for example contains exactly 32 bits (anything else being a type-error).
Word: Nat -> Type
word<P: (size: Nat) -> Word(size) -> Type> ->
(we: P( ->
(w0: <size: Nat> ->
(pred: Word(size)) ->
) ->
(w1: <size: Nat> ->
(pred: Word(size)) ->
) ->
Word.0: <size: Nat> -> Word(size) -> Word(Nat.succ(size))
<size> (wo) <P> (we) (w0) (w1)
Word.1: <size: Nat> -> Word(size) -> Word(Nat.succ(size))
<size> (wo) <P> (we) (w0) (w1)
Word.nil: Word(
<P> (we) (w0) (w1)
You might think at this point that we're done. Not even close. The families of datatype encodings described above form a super-family of "Standard" self-types, but these are the vast minority of all the possible valid encodings that can be generated.
For instance, consider the Bool
type again:
Bool: Type
bool(P: Bool -> Type) ->
(true : P(Bool.true)) ->
(false : P(Bool.false)) ->
Bool.true: Bool
(P) (t) (f) t
Bool.false: Bool
(P) (t) (f) f
What happens if when we're typing this in we accidently type t
instead of an
in the body of Bool.false
MutantBool: Type
mutantBool(P: MutantBool -> Type) ->
(true : P(MutantBool.true)) ->
(false : P(MutantBool.false)) ->
MutantBool.true: MutantBool
(P) (t) (f) t
MutantBool.false: MutantBool
(P) (t) (f) t
Amazingly, this typechecks, and corresponds to an eliminator with irrelevant arguments:
elim_mutant_bool.type: MutantBool -> Type
(bool) bool(() Type)(String)(String)
elim_mutant_bool: (bool: MutantBool) -> elim_mutant_bool.type(bool)
(bool) bool((b) elim_mutant_bool.type(b))("true")("false")
If you try the following, you will see that regardless of the input, the
elimination returns a constant "true"
elim_mutant_bool.test : String
Even more excitingly, elim_mutant_bool.type
will now type error if you try to
construct a dependent function with:
elim_mutant_bool2.type: MutantBool -> Type
(bool) bool(() Type)(String)(Unit)
elim_mutant_bool2: (bool: MutantBool) -> elim_mutant_bool2.type(bool)
(bool) bool((b) elim_mutant_bool2.type(b))("true")(
Because of course elim_mutant_bool2
returns constant String
, since it throws
away the second argument regardless of input.
Had we defined Mutant bool with f
in both constructors, we could have
constructed the constant "discard first argument" eliminator
The fact we can construct "discard first", "discard second" mutant eliminators as well as the regular Bool raises the question of whether we can construct the eliminator that chooses the case from its opposite branch. This turns out to be impossible:
Illegal: Type
ill(P: Illegal -> Type) ->
(true : P(Illegal.true)) ->
(false : P(Illegal.false)) ->
Illegal.true: Illegal
(P) (t) (f) f
Illegal.false: Illegal
(P) (t) (f) t
The type contains a contradiction, which becomes apparent if we inline the type:
true: ill(P: Bool -> Type) -> P((P) (t) (f) f) -> P((P) (t) (f) t) -> P(ill)
(P) (t) (f) f
The self type ill
here refers to the term (P) (t) (f) f
, but the body f
has type P((P) (t) (f) t)
, which not an equal term.
This result is extensible to any Variant family encoding (and maybe beyond):
- For every constructor the return value must correspond to
- itself, when constructor
returns argumenti
- a term equal to itself, when constructor
returns argumentj
, withMutantN.i == MutantN.j
- itself, when constructor
For example, for Variant3:
TritM: Type
trit<P: TritM -> Type> ->
(yes : P(TritM.yes)) ->
(unknown : P(TritM.unknown)) ->
(no : P( ->
TritM.yes: TritM
<P> (y) (u) (n) y
TritM.unknown: TritM
<P> (y) (u) (n) y TritM
<P> (y) (u) (n) n
is permitted, but y,n,y
or n,y,u
etc. creates a contradiction.
The number of legal Variant self-type encodings for every n
corresponds to the
number of pointed set
of cardinality n
, which is OEIS sequence A000248.
A Haskell generator for all the candidate Variant self-type encodings of
cardinality n
can be found here:
The Mutant family of self-types is of particular interest given the relationship between set partitions, equivalence relations, and Higher-Inductive-Types. In fact, the OEIS sequence linked above is described as:
Let set B have cardinality n. Then a(n) is the number of functions f:D->C over
all partitions {D,C} of B.
a(3)=10 since, for B={1,2,3}, we have 10 functions: 1 function of the type
f:empty set->B; 6 functions of the type f:{x}->B\{x}; and 3 functions of the
type f:{x,y}->B\{x,y}.
Since any partition of a set forms an equivalence relation, if self-types somehow encode equivalence relations, then perhaps there is some undiscovered construction which will enable structures like the higher inductive Interval type:
Inductive interval : Type :=
| zero : interval
| one : interval
| segment : zero == one.
from Homotopy Type Theory, which is essentially a 2-set with a custom equivalence relation.
However, preliminary work indicates that MutantBool itself is likely not a valid
Interval type, since the attempting to derive extensional equality from it via
(Jason Gross'
fails. The issue is that because we define self-types as in Formality through a
term's "action as an eliminator", our self-type encoded Equal
type requires
that the equal terms inside it have the same eliminator action.
// The Equal datatype.
// T Equal<A, x: A>(b: A)
// | : Equal(A, a, a)
Equal: (A: Type) -> A -> A -> Type
(A) (a) (b)
equal<P: (b: A) -> Equal(A)(a)(b) -> Type> ->
(to: P(a)(<A><a>)) ->
Gross' proof requires that the zero : Interval
and one : Interval
somehow equal, but have different eliminator action. My attempted port of Gross' proof is (here)[]
The open question then is whether there exists a way to encode equality in
Formality-Core that does not impose equality of eliminator action (perhaps not
even using self-types). If so, and if we can further show that such an alternate
equivalence is itself equivalent (but not equal) to Equal
, then perhaps the
axiom of univalence can be constructed in Formality. That would be extremely
Thanks, fixed