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Created June 3, 2020 23:56
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Recursive Matrix definition
// Standard construction of Matrix based on Vector
//T Matrix <A: Type> ~ (rows: Nat, cols: Nat)
//| matrix<rows:Nat,cols:Nat>(vecs: Vector(Vector(A,cols),rows)) ~ (rows,cols);
Matrix(A: Type, n: Nat, m: Nat) : Type
matrix<P: (n: Nat) -> (m: Nat) -> Matrix(A,n,m) -> Type> ->
(znil: P(Nat.0,Nat.0,Matrix.znil<A>)) ->
(rnil: P(Nat.1,Nat.0, Matrix.rnil<A>)) ->
(cnil: P(Nat.0,Nat.1, Matrix.cnil<A>)) ->
(cell: (x : A) -> P(Nat.1,Nat.1, Matrix.cell<A>(x))) ->
(cols: <n: Nat> -> <a: Nat> -> <b: Nat> ->
(x: Matrix(A,n,a)) -> (y: Matrix(A,n,b)) ->
P(n,Nat.add(a,b),Matrix.cols<A,n,a,b>(x,y))) ->
(rows: <m: Nat> -> <a: Nat> -> <b: Nat> ->
(x: Matrix(A,a,m)) -> (y: Matrix(A,b,m)) ->
P(Nat.add(a,b),m,Matrix.rows<A,m,a,b>(x,y))) ->
// the 0x0 empty matrix
Matrix.znil<A: Type> : Matrix(A,Nat.0,Nat.0)
<P> (znil) (rnil) (cnil) (cell) (cols) (rows) znil
// an empty row, needed because all n x 0 matrices are also empty, but not constructible from znil alone
Matrix.rnil<A: Type> : Matrix(A,Nat.1,Nat.0)
<P> (znil) (rnil) (cnil) (cell) (cols) (rows) rnil
// empty column
Matrix.cnil<A: Type> : Matrix(A,Nat.0,Nat.1)
<P> (znil) (rnil) (cnil) (cell) (cols) (rows) cnil
// promote value to a 1x1 matrix
Matrix.cell<A: Type>(x: A): Matrix(A,Nat.1,Nat.1)
<P> (znil) (rnil) (cnil)
(cell) (cols) (rows) cell(x)
// join matrices by columns
Matrix.cols<A: Type, n: Nat, a: Nat, b: Nat>(x: Matrix(A,n,a), y: Matrix(A,n,b))
: Matrix(A,n,Nat.add(a,b))
<P> (znil) (rnil) (cnil)
(cell) (cols) (rows) cols<n,a,b>(x,y)
// join matrices by rows
Matrix.rows<A: Type, m: Nat, a: Nat, b: Nat>(x: Matrix(A,a,m), y: Matrix(A,b,m))
: Matrix(A,Nat.add(a,b),m)
<P> (znil) (rnil) (cnil)
(cell) (cols) (rows) rows<m,a,b>(x,y)
// notation convention:
// , = cols, + = rows, | | = cell
// |1,2|
Matrix.test1: Matrix(Nat,Nat.1,Nat.2)
Matrix.cols<Nat,Nat.1,Nat.1,Nat.1>(Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.1), Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.2))
// |3,4|
Matrix.test2: Matrix(Nat,Nat.1,Nat.2)
Matrix.cols<Nat,Nat.1,Nat.1,Nat.1>(Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.3), Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.4))
// |1| + |3|
Matrix.test3: Matrix(Nat,Nat.2,Nat.1)
Matrix.rows<Nat,Nat.1,Nat.1,Nat.1>(Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.1), Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.3))
// |2| + |4|
Matrix.test4: Matrix(Nat,Nat.2,Nat.1)
Matrix.rows<Nat,Nat.1,Nat.1,Nat.1>(Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.2), Matrix.cell<Nat>(Nat.4))
// | 1 2 |
// | 3 4 | = |1| + |3|, |2| + |4|
Matrix.test5: Matrix(Nat,Nat.2,Nat.2)
// | 1 2 |
// | 3 4 | = |1,2| + |3,4|
Matrix.test6: Matrix(Nat,Nat.2,Nat.2)
// Unfortunately the order of joins matters, since we don't reduce matrices to canonical forms.
// Next step could be using smart constructors.
//Matrix.eq1: Equal(Matrix(Nat,Nat.2,Nat.2),Matrix.test5,Matrix.test6)
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