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Created October 28, 2024 19:00
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(export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func 39))
(export "malloc" (func 4215))
(export "_Audio_Init" (func 58))
(export "_Audio_UnInit" (func 59))
(export "_Deliver_Recorded_Data" (func 60))
(export "_Audio_Try_Analysis" (func 61))
(export "_Put_Pre_Aec_Data" (func 62))
(export "_Set_Aec_Delay" (func 63))
(export "_ReSet_Aec" (func 64))
(export "_Get_Aec_Delay" (func 65))
(export "_Request_Audio_Qos_Data" (func 66))
(export "_Get_Mixed_Audio" (func 67))
(export "_Get_Audio_Edition" (func 68))
(export "_Audio_Set_Data_Encryption" (func 69))
(export "_Add_Cooker_info" (func 70))
(export "_Remove_Cooker_Info" (func 73))
(export "_Get_Audio_Meat_Weight" (func 74))
(export "_Change_Aec_Flag" (func 75))
(export "_Change_Connect_Type" (func 76))
(export "_Cc_Set_Lang" (func 77))
(export "_Interpretation_Configure" (func 78))
(export "_Start_Audio_Share" (func 79))
(export "_InsertShareData" (func 80))
(export "_Set_Share_Volume_Level" (func 81))
(export "_Set_Speech_Volume_Level" (func 82))
(export "_Set_All_Speech_Volume_Level" (func 83))
(export "_Update_Monitor_Send_Audio_Info" (func 84))
(export "_Update_Monitor_Receive_Audio_Info" (func 85))
(export "_Set_Audio_Encryption_Key_Directly" (func 86))
(export "_Add_Roster_Info_Directly" (func 87))
(export "_Enable_Share_To_Bo" (func 88))
(export "_Enable_Broadcast_To_Bo" (func 89))
(export "_Set_Audio_Pipe_To_Bo" (func 90))
(export "_Enable_Pipe_OUT_RTP" (func 91))
(export "_Smooth_Send_For_Qos" (func 92))
(export "_request_nack_t_periodically_for_qos" (func 93))
(export "_setMultiViewFlag" (func 94))
(export "_Switch_Denoise" (func 95))
(export "_Switch_Original_Sound" (func 96))
(export "_Switch_High_Bitrate" (func 97))
(export "_Heartbeat" (func 98))
(export "_MuteUnmuteState" (func 99))
(export "__indirect_function_table" (table 0))
(export "GIT_COMMIT_VERSION" (func 110))
(export "__errno_location" (func 4071))
(export "free" (func 4216))
(export "htons" (func 4963))
(export "ntohs" (func 4963))
(export "stackSave" (func 4964))
(export "stackRestore" (func 4965))
(export "stackAlloc" (func 4966))
(export "__cxa_demangle" (func 4732))
(export "__cxa_is_pointer_type" (func 4725))
(export "dynCall_iiij" (func 4967))
(export "dynCall_iij" (func 4968))
(export "dynCall_iiiji" (func 4969))
(export "dynCall_iiiiiijiii" (func 4970))
(export "dynCall_ji" (func 4971))
(export "dynCall_viij" (func 4972))
(export "dynCall_jiii" (func 4973))
(export "dynCall_vij" (func 4974))
(export "dynCall_jiji" (func 4975))
(export "dynCall_viijii" (func 4976))
(export "dynCall_iiiiij" (func 4977))
(export "dynCall_iiiiijj" (func 4978))
(export "dynCall_iiiiiijj" (func 4979))
# Core Audio Processing Functions
## Initialization and Setup
- `_Audio_Init` and `_Audio_UnInit`: Initialize and clean up the audio processing system
- `_Audio_Set_Data_Encryption` and `_Set_Audio_Encryption_Key_Directly`: Handle encrypted audio communications
- `_Get_Audio_Edition`: Likely returns the version/capabilities of the audio system
## Audio Processing Pipeline
- `_Deliver_Recorded_Data`: Handles incoming recorded audio data
- `_Audio_Try_Analysis`: Likely performs audio analysis for quality/issues
- `_Get_Mixed_Audio`: Probably combines multiple audio streams into one
- `_Put_Pre_Aec_Data`: Handles pre-acoustic echo cancellation data
## Echo Cancellation
- `_Set_Aec_Delay`: Sets delay for acoustic echo cancellation
- `_ReSet_Aec`: Resets the echo cancellation system
- `_Get_Aec_Delay`: Retrieves current echo cancellation delay
- `_Change_Aec_Flag`: Modifies echo cancellation behavior
## Quality of Service
- `_Request_Audio_Qos_Data`: Requests quality of service metrics
- `_Update_Monitor_Send_Audio_Info`: Updates monitoring for sent audio
- `_Update_Monitor_Receive_Audio_Info`: Updates monitoring for received audio
- `_Smooth_Send_For_Qos`: Likely implements smoothing for better QoS
- `_request_nack_t_periodically_for_qos`: Handles negative acknowledgments for QoS
## Audio Sharing Features
- `_Start_Audio_Share`: Initiates audio sharing
- `_InsertShareData`: Adds data to the audio share stream
- `_Set_Share_Volume_Level`: Controls shared audio volume
- `_Set_Speech_Volume_Level`: Controls speech volume
- `_Set_All_Speech_Volume_Level`: Global volume control
## Breakout Rooms Support
- `_Enable_Share_To_Bo`: Enables sharing to breakout rooms
- `_Enable_Broadcast_To_Bo`: Enables broadcasting to breakout rooms
- `_Set_Audio_Pipe_To_Bo`: Configures audio routing to breakout rooms
## Audio Enhancement Features
- `_Switch_Denoise`: Toggles noise reduction
- `_Switch_Original_Sound`: Likely toggles between processed and original audio
- `_Switch_High_Bitrate`: Toggles high-quality audio mode
## Internationalization
- `_Cc_Set_Lang`: Sets language for closed captions
- `_Interpretation_Configure`: Configures interpretation settings
## System Functions
- `malloc` and `free`: Memory management
- `__wasm_call_ctors`: WebAssembly constructor calls
- `stackSave`, `stackRestore`, `stackAlloc`: Stack management
- Various `dynCall` functions: Dynamic function calling support
## Roster Management
- `_Add_Roster_Info_Directly`: Adds participant information
- `_Add_Cooker_info` and `_Remove_Cooker_Info`: Manages audio processing pipeline stages ("cookers")
## State Management
- `_MuteUnmuteState`: Tracks mute status
- `_Heartbeat`: Keeps the connection alive
- `_Change_Connect_Type`: Changes connection type (possibly between different network protocols)
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