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Last active May 18, 2017 15:07
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SteamLUG group membership details
date countpublic count min max comment
2013-01-28 0 5000 0 0 <Cheeseness> But with 5,000+ members, it seems like a gift horse to worthy of not having its mouth examined
2014-01-17 0 5729 0 0 <kisak> how the heck do we have 5729 members?
2014-08-03 0 5956 0 0 <HER0_01> 5956 members
2014-08-13 0 6000 0 0 <norbert> so close to 6000 members <Cheeseness> Oh. We've busted over 6,000 members in the steam group \o/ <norbert> Cheeseness: SteamLUG group on Steam passed 6000 members in the last 2 weeks
2014-08-29 4913 0 0 0 Nemo script
2014-10-03 4988 0 0 0 Nemo script
2014-12-30 4940 0 0 0 Nemo script
2015-02-25 5030 0 0 0 Nemo script
2015-03-10 5052 0 0 0 Nemo script
2015-03-14 0 6600 0 0 <johndrinkwater> ooh, 6,600 members
2015-04-05 0 6666 0 0 <Cheeseness> Oh, we passed over 6,666 group members
2015-04-08 5121 0 0 0 Nemo script
2015-05-02 5153 0 0 0 Nemo script
2015-05-03 5153 6774 0 3240
2015-07-05 5159 6791 0 4588
2015-07-22 5158 6789 0 4691
2015-08-09 5294 6747 0 4770
2015-08-23 5304 6766 0 4874
2015-09-20 5328 6780 0 5092
2015-11-18 0 6800 0 0 Cheeseness> I think it's very clear that not all 6,800+ members find it annoying
2016-04-14 0 7000 0 0 Nemoder> hey neat, we have exactly 7000 members in steamlug
2016-07-02 0 7100 0 0 Nemoder> steamlug membership is up to over 7,100
2017-05-16 6117 7667 0 11164
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