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Forked from candycode/image-arraybuffer.js
Created March 6, 2018 21:41
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Create a jpg image from ArrayBuffer data
// Simulate a call to Dropbox or other service that can
// return an image as an ArrayBuffer.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Use JSFiddle logo as a sample image to avoid complicating
// this example with cross-domain issues. "GET", "", true );
// Ask for the result as an ArrayBuffer.
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.onload = function( e ) {
// Obtain a blob: URL for the image data.
var arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array( this.response );
var blob = new Blob( [ arrayBufferView ], { type: "image/jpeg" } );
var urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
var imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL( blob );
var img = document.querySelector( "#photo" );
img.src = imageUrl;
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