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Forked from heathdutton/
Created September 26, 2017 09:48
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Upgrade PHP 7.0 to 7.1 on Amazon Linux (specifically for Elastic Beanstalk but should work elsewhere)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Upgrade an Amazon Linux PHP 7.0 EC2 to PHP 7.1
# Must be ran as sudo:
# sudo bash
# Can be added to ./.ebextensions/20_php.config like so:
# container_commands:
# 20_php71_upgrade:
# command: sudo bash scripts/
set -e
cd /tmp
# Enable remi-php71 (rpm no longer needed)
# wget
# rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71
# Get RPM package (rpm no longer needed)
# wget
# rpm -Uvh scl-utils-20120229-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
# Remove PHP 7.0 (excessive, but deterministic)
yum remove php70 -y
yum remove php70-cli -y
yum remove php70-bcmath -y
yum remove php70-common -y
yum remove php70-devel -y
yum remove php70-gd -y
yum remove php70-intl -y
yum remove php70-json -y
yum remove php70-mbstring -y
yum remove php70-mcrypt -y
yum remove php70-mysqlnd -y
yum remove php70-odbc -y
yum remove php70-opcache -y
yum remove php70-pdo -y
yum remove php70-pecl-apcu -y
yum remove php70-pecl-igbinary -y
yum remove php70-pecl-imagick -y
yum remove php70-pecl-memcache -y
yum remove php70-pecl-memcached -y
yum remove php70-pecl-oauth -y
yum remove php70-pecl-ssh2 -y
yum remove php70-pecl-uuid -y
yum remove php70-pgsql -y
yum remove php70-process -y
yum remove php70-soap -y
yum remove php70-xml -y
yum remove php70-xmlrpc -y
# Install PHP 7.1
yum install php71 -y
yum install php71-cli -y
yum install php71-bcmath -y
yum install php71-common -y
yum install php71-devel -y
yum install php71-gd -y
yum install php71-intl -y
yum install php71-json -y
yum install php71-mbstring -y
yum install php71-mcrypt -y
yum install php71-mysqlnd -y
# Shouldn't be necessary
yum install php71-php-pecl-mysql -y
yum install php71-odbc -y
yum install php71-opcache -y
yum install php71-pdo -y
yum install php71-pecl-apcu -y
yum install php71-pecl-igbinary -y
# yum install php71-pecl-imagick -y
yum install php71-pecl-memcache -y
yum install php71-pecl-memcached -y
# yum install php71-pecl-oauth -y
# yum install php71-pecl-ssh2 -y
# yum install php71-pecl-uuid -y
yum install php71-pgsql -y
yum install php71-process -y
yum install php71-soap -y
yum install php71-xml -y
yum install php71-xmlrpc -y
# Restart Apache.
service httpd restart
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